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Dark Moon Defender (2006)

par Sharon Shinn

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Séries: Twelve Houses (3)

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7221232,797 (4.05)37
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Thriller. HTML:

The third Novel of the Twelve Houses from the national bestselling author. In this story of hidden magic and forbidden love, the King's Rider Justin befriends Ellynor, a young novice at a convent-only to discover that she is a mystic being manipulated by the fanatical Daughters of the Pale Moon into hunting down and killing other mystics.

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Eh, it was fine. I guess Ellynor wasn't actually totally helpless, but Justin sure treated her like she was. And I know other characters there acknowledged that it was a relationship dynamic that he would like, but I didn't! And individually, Justin and Ellynor were fine and cool and whatnot, I just didn't like their dynamic with each other.

Also, I didn't know this was a romance series going in, and it's actually getting kind of frustrating. I want cool political intrigue and wars or stuff to happen, not every non-evil character to get paired off. In the space of a year. Sheesh!

I'm still interested in seeing how the state of the kingdom will turn out. If war will ever start. Whether mystics will start fighting back. This scale is too small, I want stuff to actually *happen*.

Or the Thirteenth House left a scummy aftertaste in the rest of this series for me. I don't know yet. ( )
  Tikimoof | Feb 17, 2022 |
Third in Sharon Shinn's Twelve Houses series, centering this time on Justin. So far, this was my favorite installment of a series which I have really enjoyed. Justin is one of the original six main characters, a surly and cynical Kings Rider with a harsh past. Asked to reconnoiter the city of Neft, nearby the convent of mystic hating, Pale Mother fanatics. He meets Ellynor, a novice sent to the convent by her family to watch her unruly, impulsive cousin.

Justin's protective instincts are activated after he rescues Ellynor on the streets of Neft, and they form a fast friendship. Their relationship has many obstacles, and both have secrets that they attempt to keep hidden. This becomes more difficult as Ellynor's safety is increasingly threatened.

I liked the exciting story, and Ellynor was distinct, consistent, and easy to love. I also liked that the other 5 main characters made appearances, and seemed essential to the story.

No complaints, and I am already on to book 4. ( )
  Critterbee | Apr 16, 2018 |
Book 3 focus is on Justin [Spoilers], the bulk of the story telling of his soldiery and rescues that culminate in his love for Ellynor (of the "impossible to marry into" Lirrenfolk). Only 4 stars because the Justin and Ellynor theme didn't feel very plausible in the way Shinn developed the romance. As well, the story's plot regarding Justin's mandated activities (to spy) was a weak ploy to bring him into Ellynor's orbit. Despite these difficulties, the overall story line carries forward well and builds suspense for the upcoming nastiness of the final combat. Other characters have time in the sun (e.g. Mayva Nocklyn) which adds a dimension to the story. ( )
  SandyAMcPherson | Apr 26, 2017 |
Another captivating tale from Sharon Shinn's 'Twelve Houses' series.

This time, it is Justin, a King's Rider, who is the focus of the story. He is sent on a lone undercover mission to Neft, the nearest town to Lumanen convent where Coralinda Gisseltess, the Lestra, maintains her cult of the Pale Mother - the goddess of the moon. There, he discovers that the Lestra is actively persecuting mystics - and that, unbeknownst to her, Ellynor, one of the novices within the convent has mystical powers. When he rescues her, Justin - who has had little use for women in his life up till now - could lose his heart.

This story is told mainly from Justin's point of view; but it also show Ellynor's life as a novice, and follows Senneth's and Cammon's group in different parts of Gillengaria, on the King's business.

The goddesses, who - apart from the Pale Mother - have long been forgotten in Gillengaria, start to play a more active role, and magic, which is little understood, seems to be getting stronger. Although the focus is Justin, very soon the six main protagonists we have been following through the series are back together again, and even non-mystic Justin feels he can almost see their bond to each other.

There is a fair amount of romance as various members of the group of six find their match (not to mention the political match-making Senneth and Kirra engage in), but it suits the mood I'm in and there is plenty of danger and suspense to balance it.

I am really enjoying this series; I like the group of six, who all bring different strengths to the table and, despite danger, fight in their different ways for king and country. ( )
  humouress | Oct 8, 2012 |
I did enjoy this third book in the series. I do like the way Shinn portrays romance amid a fantasy world. The details of intrigue get really involved and stimulate my thought processes. I keep trying to figure out what will happen next. Really enjoyed this one, and I've started on the fourth and final book. Disappointed I'm nearing the end of the series. ( )
  Tiffmeister | Aug 19, 2010 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Sharon Shinnauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Giancola, DonatoArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For Joe
Because you, too, have had to fight so hard,
and because you love the books
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. Thriller. HTML:

The third Novel of the Twelve Houses from the national bestselling author. In this story of hidden magic and forbidden love, the King's Rider Justin befriends Ellynor, a young novice at a convent-only to discover that she is a mystic being manipulated by the fanatical Daughters of the Pale Moon into hunting down and killing other mystics.


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