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par Belle Aurora

Séries: RAW Family (1)

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A young woman falls for her stalker and a complicated relationship begins. Soon as she turned sixteen, Lexi left that bump in the road she called home and took her chances on the street. Now she's educated, employed and damn good at her job. The saying is true: the world makes way for those who know where they are going. But then there's him ... hiding in plain sight ... watching her. How can a person falls in love with their stalker?… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 30 (suivant | tout afficher)
So, this book was pretty silly at times. So many cliches, so many dumb moments... I was kinda interested to see it through, but still it made me so annoyed at places. I was just thinking, ok I will finish, give 1 star and be done with this bs. Then the ending... Like it can't save the book, I can't say I liked it just because I liked the very end. But I would lie if I said I don't want to continue because of it.

Honestly, I don't know how to feel about the book. ( )
  Levitara | Apr 5, 2024 |
Raw and Beautiful or Raw and Brutal Readers’ choice. I like it.
Okay, so I wrote a really sad two-line review for this book and it is really sad and it needs to be redone. This is brilliantly brutal and beautiful depending on how you read it. My thoughts are below. Holy Crap this book killed me. I have read it for the second time because I wanted to continue the series this year and it owns a part of my soul. I absolutely loved this dark stalker romance from the bottom of my heart and loved the way Twitch and Lexi came to be. This story was sexy, provocative, dark, suspenseful and so thrilling. It is one of the Indy stories I will never forget! It makes me want to find more of this genre and just get lost in it for months.
This story was absolutely incredible. Twitch was dark and dirty and knew that Lexi would be his. I was absolutely floored by the writing and the emotion it evoked. I had my heart in my throat the entire time reading and could not stop rooting for them. But that ending? I was inconsolable for weeks. But I cannot lie and say it was not brilliantly written. I want to sit down with the author and give her a high five and pick her brain. God that sounds bad doesn’t it?
But again - that ending? It was probably the mic drop of the century. This story was pure emotions from the first page. I felt the fear, suspense, anxiety and sorrow. After the post of this review I should be honest I have already read book two and it is amazing. If this is on your reading pile, I suggest picking it up now.
( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
i really enjoyed this book - ending was a complete surprise! My only issue is that it wasn't until i finished the book did i realize the last book of the series wasn't available to read!

Hopefully soon so i can finish the series. ( )
  ckelship | Oct 10, 2021 |
I want #2 now!!!!! oh so good ( )
  amandasgoodbooks | Jul 3, 2021 |
This book is defenitely not everyone's cup of tea. It is gritty, hard, and upsetting. And it is part of a series. I am NOT a fan of series. But even with all these things it is still a good book.

It shows how far some women will go for love, how far they will allow themselves to be pushed in the name of love. It made me think. It is always so easy to say I will never do that, or I will not stoop so low... How do you know? Until you are there it is not possible to say.

I hate saying this, but I am looking forward to the next installment.... ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 30 (suivant | tout afficher)

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A young woman falls for her stalker and a complicated relationship begins. Soon as she turned sixteen, Lexi left that bump in the road she called home and took her chances on the street. Now she's educated, employed and damn good at her job. The saying is true: the world makes way for those who know where they are going. But then there's him ... hiding in plain sight ... watching her. How can a person falls in love with their stalker?

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Moyenne: (3.86)
1 7
2 11
3 5
3.5 2
4 18
4.5 1
5 37

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