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Girl Jacked

par Christopher Greyson

Séries: Jack Stratton (1)

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1633173,391 (3.46)14
"Police Officer Jack Stratton is hiding. Hiding from the world. From pain. From the memories of losing his best friend, Chandler, in Iraq. Suffering from PTSD, and isolated from those he cares about, the last thing Jack expects to hear is his foster sister Michelle is gone - Chandler's sister. The words cut straight to his core. Although the police think she just took off, he knows Michelle would never leave those she loved behind - like he did. Now he must take action, find Michelle and bring her home ... or die trying. With a debt of honor to his dead foster brother, Chandler, Jack's guilt drives him into a world of deception and lies. As Jack's walls begin to crumble, he must navigate the quirky characters that seep into the mystery of his foster sister's disappearance. And in the sleepy community of Darrington, like so many things in this world, nothing is as it appears to be. The hidden mysteries that often go unnoticed begin to emerge as Jack and his new unpredictable sidekick begin to turn over the rocks. Following a trail that has grown cold, Jack must tread carefully to protect his job, his family, and his own life"--Back cover.… (plus d'informations)

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The subtle colors of the pretty cover do signify to me that a mystery is waiting to be solved in Girl Jacked by Christopher Greyson. This is a standalone book in the Detective Jack Stratton Mystery Thriller Series and I am loving it. It left me craving more of Jack…and his sidekick, Replacement. Does the name make you curious? This is a must meet character!

Detective Jack Stratton is a damaged character filled with self loathing. I think he is way too hard on himself. He was raised by a foster family and I love that Haddie, the foster mother, did not care what color they were, she loved them all. Twenty seven to be exact. He had served in Iraq, and lost his foster brother and best friend in action. His nightmares haunt him.

Haddie had every belief that, “Jack will find Michelle.”

“You suck” one of the chapter headings made me smile.

Two ‘women’ have their opinions about Jack. When I found out why woman #1 said it, I couldn’t help but smile. And woman #2, well, she is here to stay. I immediately loved her. She is bright, persistent, determined, loyal…and so adorable. When Christopher Greyson describes some of her actions, I can SEE her. I smiled, I laughed, sometimes had tears in my eyes, and, at times, my heart breaks for her…and Jack. She feels he is Batman, but he feels he is a failure.

The humor added to the mystery, suspense and thrills, made me so happy I had finally ‘cracked the spine’ on Girl Jacked by Christopher Greyson. The characters, good and bad, are richly developed, with their actions described in vivid detail, sharing all the good, the bad and, the ugly.

The mystery of Michelle, the danger and suspense of the journey for answers, took second place to the characters. It is rare when they shine so brightly to me, but I fell in love with Replacement, especially, but Jack too. To watch them heal, grow, and change into richer characters, leaves me wanting more…and more. Any book that can end with me having tears in my eyes is a winner!

See more at ( )
  sherry69 | Jan 24, 2023 |
First in the series with lots of potential. ( )
  Bettesbooks | Apr 29, 2018 |
The author has a good idea here for the plot, and I believe the character of Detective Jack Stratton will eventually work into something on the order of the other well read detective series. I just found the story to be delivered rather raggedly and awkwardly. I will certainly try a second book in this series as I believe it has a great deal of promise. ( )
  Carol420 | Feb 2, 2018 |
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"Police Officer Jack Stratton is hiding. Hiding from the world. From pain. From the memories of losing his best friend, Chandler, in Iraq. Suffering from PTSD, and isolated from those he cares about, the last thing Jack expects to hear is his foster sister Michelle is gone - Chandler's sister. The words cut straight to his core. Although the police think she just took off, he knows Michelle would never leave those she loved behind - like he did. Now he must take action, find Michelle and bring her home ... or die trying. With a debt of honor to his dead foster brother, Chandler, Jack's guilt drives him into a world of deception and lies. As Jack's walls begin to crumble, he must navigate the quirky characters that seep into the mystery of his foster sister's disappearance. And in the sleepy community of Darrington, like so many things in this world, nothing is as it appears to be. The hidden mysteries that often go unnoticed begin to emerge as Jack and his new unpredictable sidekick begin to turn over the rocks. Following a trail that has grown cold, Jack must tread carefully to protect his job, his family, and his own life"--Back cover.

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