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La misère et la gloire (1969)

par A. J. Cronin

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2172129,180 (3.42)11
The poignant sequel to A Song of Sixpence The clinic stood high on an Alpine slope. Lush meadows, studded with autumn crocus, sloped steeply down. Across the valley, above the pinewoods, the high peaks were already dusted with snow. Like a toy railway, the line to Davos twisted and turned up along the mountain side. Laurence Carroll breathed in the pure, clear air. A wonderful place, a not-too-demanding job as resident doctor to the convalescent children flown out from England; it was a million miles from his Scottish childhood, the struggles to qualify and the grinding, poverty-stricken years as a young GP in the Welsh mining valleys. He was relaxed. Happy. But, soon to arrive at Zurich, a woman he had once known well, now a widowed mother, was to bring with her all the turmoil and anguish of his early years, flooding back into his casually ordered life.… (plus d'informations)

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While somewhat predictable, I found myself much touched by this 1959 novel laid in Scotland and Switzerland, It is the seventh Cronin novel I have read, and I liked the good Catholic touches in it, complete with evocation of Francis Thompson's "Hound of Heaven." A Scottish boy becomes a doctor, his friend becomes a priest, the girl who was a friend of the priest marries a dislkeable man but comes to the place in Switzerland where the doctor is, together with her young son--a very appealing kind of boy, dislked for no apparent reason by the doctor. I found the story poignant and finished it with a very friendly feeling for the author, who died in Switzerland in 1981. ( )
  Schmerguls | Mar 25, 2013 |
Mauricio Espina
  libroslibresconce | May 9, 2011 |
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

The poignant sequel to A Song of Sixpence The clinic stood high on an Alpine slope. Lush meadows, studded with autumn crocus, sloped steeply down. Across the valley, above the pinewoods, the high peaks were already dusted with snow. Like a toy railway, the line to Davos twisted and turned up along the mountain side. Laurence Carroll breathed in the pure, clear air. A wonderful place, a not-too-demanding job as resident doctor to the convalescent children flown out from England; it was a million miles from his Scottish childhood, the struggles to qualify and the grinding, poverty-stricken years as a young GP in the Welsh mining valleys. He was relaxed. Happy. But, soon to arrive at Zurich, a woman he had once known well, now a widowed mother, was to bring with her all the turmoil and anguish of his early years, flooding back into his casually ordered life.

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