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Love You So Hard (2018)

par Tara Lain

Séries: Love You So Stories (1)

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A Love You So Story! Craig Elson's life has hit rock bottom. Even though he's one of the best strategic planners around, a more confident guy takes credit for his work, and despite being a good-looking man, he suffers insults from the slimiest creep at the bar. Taking care of his beloved mom, who has Alzheimer's, uses all his funds, leaving him in a plain, depressing car... and a plain, depressing life. Until he sees gorgeous grad student Jesse Randall and his T-shirt that reads "I Would Bottom You So Hard. " The message seeps into Craig's soul, and he asks Jesse to teach him to top. Jesse's had his eye on the quiet hottie who comes into the coffee shop, and he's more than eager to perfect his tutoring. He sets out to get Craig a new job, a new apartment, and a new life so far outside plain and depressing that it's unrecognizable. The problem is, Craig loves his lessons-and his teacher-too much to want to graduate. How can Craig reach the top without losing his sassy bottom?… (plus d'informations)

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2,5 stars ( )
  Marlobo | Dec 24, 2022 |
Love You So Hard written by Tara Lain was submitted for the MM Romance Group’s Love Has No Boundaries 2013 Prompt Event. The prompt for this story was a young man in a black t-shirt with the words ‘I Would Bottom You So Hard’ written across it.

Craig is thirty-two years old and has never topped. So when Jessie walks into the coffee shop Craig visits, Craig can’t get the t-shirt or Jessie out of his head. The problem in Craig’s mind is why would some hot guy like Jessie want anything to do with a dull, boring old man like him? Especially since every guy sees Craig as a bottom and Craig believes that bottoming is a metaphor for his life.

Life gets worse for Craig, or so he thinks, when he doesn’t get the promotion he’d been hoping for. Craig decides to take a vacation and goes to hide out at the coffee shop. Craig’s startled when Jessie comes into the shop and starts to chat him up. Jessie is definitely coming on to him and so Craig takes a chance to ask Jessie to tutor him in being a Top. Surprisingly, Jessie takes him up on the offer and also offers to teach Craig some fashion sense and finding a better job. So begins Craig and Jessie’s relationship.

I loved this story and not because it was written by Tara Lain who has got to be one of my favorite writers. I can count on her to give me just enough angst with the HEA that I crave in my MM romances. Love You So Hard did just that. I got a feel for Craig and Jessie’s personalities as soon as they were introduced into the story and I loved them. Craig is insecure, dull and feels that his mother will be the only friend in his life. Jessie is positive, comfortable with his sexuality and is not afraid to let Craig know how much he wants him.

What I liked was that this story wasn’t an instant love story. In fact I would say that it was instant lust for a t-shirt slogan and what it implied, lol. The relationship gradually developed over time with the angst and misunderstanding, followed by the HEA. The story flowed well from one event to the next and the editing was terrific. I think I saw only one error.

In the end Love You So Hard had all the items I love in an MM romance. No instant love, character development, great characters that I could relate to, a story that makes sense and a HEA. Tara did a great job creating a love story in slightly over 20K. I have to give this 5 stars

( )
  Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
Craig has been crushing on Jesse since he first saw him, but especially since he saw him wearing a t-shirt with the phrase "I would bottom you so hard". Craig has always wanted to top but never has and so his heart (and some other things) leap at the prospect of being with Jesse. And when he finally talks to him he finds out that Jesse is more than willing to help him and show him how.

I really enjoyed the concept of this story - there's just something about how Craig sees Jesse and gets this fantasy in his head, never thinking it could ever play out, and then somehow it does. The characters themselves are wonderfully written and dynamic. The only drawback is that it kind has the overall message that you need to change who you are to be valuable, and I'm not a big fan of that, but otherwise it's a great read. ( )
  crtsjffrsn | Aug 27, 2021 |
4.5 Stars

A story with marvellous characters and a real sweetness and charm! I thoroughly enjoyed it! ( )
  Bookbee1 | Jun 23, 2020 |
This is a very cute, very sweet story about a wonderful guy who has no idea how great he is. With its uplifting tone, simple but touching storyline, and some interesting secondary characters, it had me interested from the very start.

Craig, with all his insecurities and hidden talents just tore at my heartstrings, and the fact that he was so willing to try, rather than wallow in self-pity made him all the more likeable. He really just needed a little nudge to go out and try new things. Not recognized in his current job, feeling ignored by the world, and not getting anywhere with his life makes him realize he needs a change. Jessie's offer to tutor him is just what he needs.

Jessie is much younger than Craig, a graduate student at only twenty-one, and has clearly fallen for Craig. I think Craig must be the only one who doesn't see it! Jamie wants to be a teacher and based on how well he tutors Craig, he'll be a great one. He is compassionate, understanding, asks the right questions, and knows what is "in".

If you're looking for an uplifting story about a guy who could have it all, if he only realized he "deserves" it, if you enjoy stories about two guys helping each other out and becoming true partners, and if you're looking for a sweet, hot read, then you will probably like this free novella as much as I did. ( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
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Don't Read in the Closet (Love Has No Boundaries - 2013)
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A Love You So Story! Craig Elson's life has hit rock bottom. Even though he's one of the best strategic planners around, a more confident guy takes credit for his work, and despite being a good-looking man, he suffers insults from the slimiest creep at the bar. Taking care of his beloved mom, who has Alzheimer's, uses all his funds, leaving him in a plain, depressing car... and a plain, depressing life. Until he sees gorgeous grad student Jesse Randall and his T-shirt that reads "I Would Bottom You So Hard. " The message seeps into Craig's soul, and he asks Jesse to teach him to top. Jesse's had his eye on the quiet hottie who comes into the coffee shop, and he's more than eager to perfect his tutoring. He sets out to get Craig a new job, a new apartment, and a new life so far outside plain and depressing that it's unrecognizable. The problem is, Craig loves his lessons-and his teacher-too much to want to graduate. How can Craig reach the top without losing his sassy bottom?

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