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par Dan Wells

Séries: Partials Sequence (03)

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4682654,959 (3.84)5
Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

New York Times Bestseller

Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping final installment in the Partials Sequence, a series that combines the thrilling action of The Hunger Games with the provocative themes of Blade Runner and The Stand.

There is no avoiding it—the war to decide the fate of both humans and Partials is at hand. Both sides hold in their possession a weapon that could destroy the other, and Kira Walker has precious little time to prevent that from happening. She has one chance to save both species and the world with them, but it will only come at great personal cost.

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» Voir aussi les 5 mentions

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This is one of the best post apocalyptic series I have ever read. Dan Wells is a genius. This ending blew me away. Kira Walker is my hero.... she is EASILY my favorite book heroine. The only thing that would have made me love it even more (if that's possible) is an epilogue. Just a glimpse into the future at how they were doing. ( )
  AylaJayne | Apr 21, 2023 |
For a book that seemed to crawl along, there was sure an awful lot happening. The crawling was deceptive though, it never felt like a chore to read. I'm not sure this lived up to the premise set forth in [b:Partials|12476820|Partials (The Partials Sequence, #1)|Dan Wells||17461183] but it wasn't really a let down either.

I liked that the book ended both hopefully and tentatively, so the story seemed complete but without sparkle-farts to make everything super-happy-funtime or sad-clown tears to make everything depressing. Also, it avoided the trap of romance-with-a-side-of-apocalypse, for which I am grateful. I love a good romance, but it always seems like saving the world should take precedence over pants-feelings. ( )
  wonderlande | Jan 1, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book, although I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadnt waited over two years between the first two books and this one (For once its not my fault this happened, I wanted the audiobook and it took the library ages to get it). I remembered most of the plot, but didnt have a firm handle on who all the characters were, and there are a lot of them. Despite my initial confusions over who was who, all the characters in these books are very well done. There are a lot of different motivations, loyalties, and personalities in play that create a cast who would be interesting to read about even without the exceptional circumstances they find themselves in.

I found this book pretty surprising plotwise. It didnt get boring or predictable (at least not to me) and my options about characters and about what I wanted to happen changed quite a bit as I read the book. Also it made me cry. I still think Kira is a wonderful protagonist, and the fact that this series hasn't gotten more attention is weird to me. Its exciting and emotional and I would definitely recommend it. ( )
  mutantpudding | Dec 26, 2021 |
A solid ending to a solid series.

I think Ruins actually managed to pull things together in a way without feeling (too) rushed that none of the other YA series recently have managed to pull off. The previous plotlines (Kira's conflicted nature, the rest of the Trust, the cure(s)) all come to a head in a way that's still driving enough to finish the series but don't feel like the author was just phoning it in.

There were a few things that I felt were just glanced over.

Kira manages to succeed where a decade of scientists (including those who caused the problem in the first place) have failed. That seems strange. But it's at least lamp shaded in that they were too blind to see a solution.

The two new Trust members come out of nowhere and never really make much sense. Plus, they're just sort of resolved. THey're interesting, but I feel like they could have done more.

The love triangle just vanishes. Perhaps more real world accurate and I cannot believe I'm saying this: but it was weird.

All together though, a solid read and a solid series. If Divergent / The Hunger Games left you wanting more, this is it. If you haven't read either, read these instead.
( )
  jpv0 | Jul 21, 2021 |
The last star is for Marcus - he is brilliant and made me laugh again and again. I wasn't a fan of the constant reminders of what happen earlier since I just finished the previous books, but I understand why it was there. The ending was in no way perfect (to me) but i guess I'll have to live with it. *Mumbles about injustice and stupid decisions!* ( )
  Hyms | Aug 9, 2020 |
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Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

New York Times Bestseller

Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping final installment in the Partials Sequence, a series that combines the thrilling action of The Hunger Games with the provocative themes of Blade Runner and The Stand.

There is no avoiding it—the war to decide the fate of both humans and Partials is at hand. Both sides hold in their possession a weapon that could destroy the other, and Kira Walker has precious little time to prevent that from happening. She has one chance to save both species and the world with them, but it will only come at great personal cost.


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