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1572180,157 (3.86)3
Just in time for the 20th anniversary of Spys creation comes the definitive anthology, inside story, and scrapbook. Spy: The Funny Years will remind the magazines million readers why they loved and depended on Spy and bring to a new generation the jewels of its reporting and writing, photography, illustration, design, and world-class mischief-making. It will demonstrate Spys singular niche in American magazine and cultural history. But it is also intended to be enjoyed on its own: one beautiful volume containing Spys funniest and most creative work, along with the ultimate insiders account of how it all came to be.All the best is here: Separated at Birth; Naked City; The Fine Print; Logrolling in Our Time; the Blurb-o-Mat; those hysterical (and now ubiquitous) charts; the inside stories on the New York Times and Hollywood by J.J. Hunsecker and Celia Brady; the covers; investigative features; and the hilarious stories on pretty much everyone who was anyone during the late 80s and early 90s. Not to mention the often grisly but always entertaining regular cast of characters from Spys pages -- the churlish dwarf billionaires; beaver-faced moguls; bull-whip-wielding uber-agents; knobby-kneed socialites; and, of course, short-fingered vulgarians.During its heyday, from 1986 through 1993, Spy broke important ground in journalism and design, defining smartness for its generation. It was a once-in-a-lifetime creation that shaped the zeitgeist and succeeded (for a while) against all odds. Spy: The Funny Years will be the fun, stylish, hilarious holiday gift of the year.… (plus d'informations)

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I miss SPY Magazine. This book is a real treasure, and brought back some great memories and quite a few laughs. If you were a subscriber, get this book to refresh your memory. If you missed out on SPY, taking a look at one of the smartest and funniest magazines in US history would do you no harm. ( )
  BLyda97112 | Jan 1, 2011 |
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Graydon Carterauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Andersen, Kurtauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Kalogerakis, Georgeauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Just in time for the 20th anniversary of Spys creation comes the definitive anthology, inside story, and scrapbook. Spy: The Funny Years will remind the magazines million readers why they loved and depended on Spy and bring to a new generation the jewels of its reporting and writing, photography, illustration, design, and world-class mischief-making. It will demonstrate Spys singular niche in American magazine and cultural history. But it is also intended to be enjoyed on its own: one beautiful volume containing Spys funniest and most creative work, along with the ultimate insiders account of how it all came to be.All the best is here: Separated at Birth; Naked City; The Fine Print; Logrolling in Our Time; the Blurb-o-Mat; those hysterical (and now ubiquitous) charts; the inside stories on the New York Times and Hollywood by J.J. Hunsecker and Celia Brady; the covers; investigative features; and the hilarious stories on pretty much everyone who was anyone during the late 80s and early 90s. Not to mention the often grisly but always entertaining regular cast of characters from Spys pages -- the churlish dwarf billionaires; beaver-faced moguls; bull-whip-wielding uber-agents; knobby-kneed socialites; and, of course, short-fingered vulgarians.During its heyday, from 1986 through 1993, Spy broke important ground in journalism and design, defining smartness for its generation. It was a once-in-a-lifetime creation that shaped the zeitgeist and succeeded (for a while) against all odds. Spy: The Funny Years will be the fun, stylish, hilarious holiday gift of the year.

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