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Find Me

par Romily Bernard

Séries: Find Me (1)

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22617123,719 (3.75)1
When teen hacker and foster child Wick Tate finds a dead classmate's diary on her front step, with a note reading "Find me," she sets off on a perverse game of hide-and-seek to catch the killer.

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Review up later. ( )
  khal_khaleesi | Nov 16, 2019 |
I finished Find Me only a few moments ago, and I'm still breathless. I'll be the first to admit that this book didn't hook me at first. It was a slow build up. A deliberate web of mystery and deceit that is created page by page. By the time I was at the mid-point of the book, I was intrigued. By the last third of the book, I was flipping pages like a reader possessed. My point? Give this book some time. It'll hook you. Oh, it'll hook you.

Wicket Tate doesn't only have a very unique name, she has skills. She's a survivor, a computer hacker, and an expert at blending in. So why does she suddenly feel like everything is spiraling out of control? I had a soft spot for Wick and her sister Lily. These two had been through hell and back, yet they were stronger than I could ever be. Wicket has a mouth on her, but her love for her sister is fierce and she'll do whatever it takes to protect them. I couldn't have asked for a better protagonist to follow. Then there was Griff. I wasn't certain about this mysterious guy at first. He felt placed in simply for a possible romance. However soon Griff became as essential to the story as Wick was. Kudos to Romily Bernard! I loved him.

As I mentioned before, the story does take a little time to get into full swing. I found myself placed in the middle of Wick's transition and had to wade through until I got my bearings. Her story is tough because it has so much opportunity to be true. On the flip side, that's also why it's so compulsively readable. The emotion that comes through, the raw pain and strength, are what kept me reading on. Wick is fierce, even in the face of danger, and I adored her for it. Plus you won't see the ending coming. It's slightly like a slap in the face, but one that you'll gladly take.

Is this review all over the place? Probably. Truthfully, my thoughts are still all over the place. The ending of this book was so much more than I was expecting, and I still can't get it out of my mind. What I can say is that I recommend Find Me to you, my dear readers. If you enjoy strong, female protagonists and mystery expertly blended, then this is a book for you.
( )
  roses7184 | Feb 5, 2019 |
Second read: April 4, 2016

First read: November 14, 2013
So good.

( )
  Monica_P | Nov 22, 2018 |
Very predictable ( )
  mtlkch | Jun 21, 2016 |

Find Me is a fantastic thriller. I was guessing at every corner, and may have stayed up really late to finish this book.

I love everything about Wick. She's a strong character to have gone through all the crap she has and still be sane. She doesn't ask for help, and insists on taking on the burden for everything. She is also incredibly snarky. I appreciate Griff. He isn't who I would picture a girl like Wick going for, but he understands her on a level. He isn't afraid of the things she's been through, and has a serious hero complex.

So much freaking intensity. Just when you think Wick will get a break, something else happens. She doesn't want to look behind the scenes at what happened to Tessa. She also suspects everyone. Wick doesn't trust easily, and there are a few moments in the book that you find out why. The scenes where there is an event are so real. It was hard to pull myself out of the action. I felt every emotion right along with Wick.

Bernard has an ability to suck you into her book. I didn't want to put it down, and kept going on about how awesome this book is to everyone. ( )
  BookishThings | Mar 23, 2016 |
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When teen hacker and foster child Wick Tate finds a dead classmate's diary on her front step, with a note reading "Find me," she sets off on a perverse game of hide-and-seek to catch the killer.

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