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100 Jolts: Shockingly Short Stories

par Michael A. Arnzen

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474557,930 (4.32)4
Arnzen has honed his craft to deliver the highest voltage using the fewest words in this collection of 100 short stories, guaranteed to stun.

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4 sur 4
Meh. Many of these stories were quite good, I suppose, but horror fiction has never been my thing. If you do like horror stories, you will probably like these. ( )
  meggyweg | Nov 2, 2010 |
I like to read short stories by authors because I think it tells a lot about their abilities. A person has to have mad skills to pull off successful short stories. I think they showcase an author's talent much more than a novel ever could.

Word choice becomes very important the shorter the story. Mike Arnzen does that very well with these tales. His descriptions, similes and metaphors made me laugh, groan and just go, "ewwww" but they all are so spot on. As I read, I'm thinking, 'that's exactly how intestines would probably sound sliding around on a table top'. Very visual stories and the sensory descriptions skin crawlingly (okay, not a word) realistic. I recommend this to those who want an uncomfortable laugh served up with their horror. Gruesome and gory; but brought to you courtesy a quirky sense of humor.

And check out his CD, AudioVile. It has many of the same stories from the book read to you by the author. His delivery just gives a whole new way to take in a story. At first, I was a little thrown off by the experience. It's sort of a Russell Simmons Def Comedy/Poetry Jam mixed with a hint of book on tape narration and a sound track thrown in for good measure. Very quickly though, I got into the spirit of the presentation. Screw Audacity of Hope, this should have won a Spoken Word Grammy! Not your typical book on tape ho hum.

I so wasn't expecting the experience--book or CD--and again, I'm looking at myself thinking, 'oh my God, you're laughing at this?!" ha! Some of the stories really were on the edge of SWEET JEBUS I'M TRAUMATIZED!, but, the fact that he brought out such visceral feelings--good or bad-- means he did his job as a writer.

Best story? Driving the Sick Elephant. Best story on the CD just for overall delivery? Six Short Films about Chauncey the Serial Killer. Very creative package.

If you get the opportunity, read it; listen to it; visit the author's site. ( )
1 voter DanaJean | Feb 26, 2009 |
4 sur 4
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Arnzen has honed his craft to deliver the highest voltage using the fewest words in this collection of 100 short stories, guaranteed to stun.

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Michael A. Arnzen est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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