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Moonlight on the Millpond

par Lori Wick

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Séries: Tucker Mills Trilogy (1)

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833327,368 (3.5)Aucun
Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

This first book in the Tucker Mills Trilogy from beloved author Lori Wick follows Jace Randall as he leaves his childhood home to help his Uncle Woody Randall run the saw mill in Token Creek. Jace diligently focuses on work until he meets the visiting niece of local storekeepers. Jace pursues her until she finally agrees to attend a picnic with him and take a chance. But before the relationship has a strong foundation, the couple separates because of gossip fueled by Jace's sister. Later, when she admits her wrongdoing and shares her testimony of a new faith, the couple must decide whether to try again. Will the sister's example of faith and transformation be enough to restore broken dreams?

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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
Not nearly as good as some Lori Wick’s other works, this novel is predictable and trite at times. Because it is Christian fiction, some references to the Bible and religious beliefs are to be expected. But Ms. Wick went beyond the pure religious aspect and added in her own beliefs in theology. Long dialogues about the ineffectiveness of infant baptism in God’s eyes offended me. Thinly disguised disgust of the evils of drinking and the evils of controlling women were unneeded and over done. Shallow characters and a thin plot added little to like about this first book of a trilogy. ( )
  Maydacat | Feb 7, 2018 |
Tucker Mills Trilogy #1
  OgemaBaptistChurch | Jan 28, 2018 |
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Lori Wickauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Rosenblat, BarbaraNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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for the newest members of the family: Max and Rachel. I love you.
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The street quiet, almost oddly so, she waited in the usual place.
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

This first book in the Tucker Mills Trilogy from beloved author Lori Wick follows Jace Randall as he leaves his childhood home to help his Uncle Woody Randall run the saw mill in Token Creek. Jace diligently focuses on work until he meets the visiting niece of local storekeepers. Jace pursues her until she finally agrees to attend a picnic with him and take a chance. But before the relationship has a strong foundation, the couple separates because of gossip fueled by Jace's sister. Later, when she admits her wrongdoing and shares her testimony of a new faith, the couple must decide whether to try again. Will the sister's example of faith and transformation be enough to restore broken dreams?


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