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A Man and a Woman and a Man: A Novel

par Savyon Liebrecht

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462568,633 (3.6)3
An international bestsellera novel of passion by one of Israel's finest writers. In the unlikely setting of a Tel Aviv nursing home, Hamutal, wife and mother, falls in love with a man in a green jacket. Like herself, he has come to visit a dying parent. As Hamutal's mother reveals unsettling truths about her Holocaust past, Hamutal's obsession with the man grows. With sensitivity and insight, Liebrecht captures the intensity of their sudden love affair and its aftermath.… (plus d'informations)

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A short novel by an Israeli writer whose short stories I read earlier this spring. Two people meet at the nursing home where each has a parent and embark on an affair. Very powerful - sad and penetrating. ( )
  laurenbufferd | Nov 14, 2016 |
It's obvious that Liebrecht is primarily a short story-writer. Her novel reads like a very long short story rather than a novel; every little item carries some meaning and although it's fantastically well written, it makes for a very slow read. Make sure to read this when there is time to ponder every detail in the novel and you'll be rewarded with a psychologically intense and heartfelt tale about a woman's way of dealing with the loss of her mother's mind and the upheaval in her own life. ( )
  -Eva- | Jun 16, 2010 |
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An international bestsellera novel of passion by one of Israel's finest writers. In the unlikely setting of a Tel Aviv nursing home, Hamutal, wife and mother, falls in love with a man in a green jacket. Like herself, he has come to visit a dying parent. As Hamutal's mother reveals unsettling truths about her Holocaust past, Hamutal's obsession with the man grows. With sensitivity and insight, Liebrecht captures the intensity of their sudden love affair and its aftermath.

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