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While It Lasts

par Abbi Glines

Séries: Sea Breeze (3)

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3431778,337 (4.05)2
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Cage brings his playboy prowess to the countryside as the Sea Breeze hookups continue, from self-published phenomenon Abbi Glines.
Low broke Cage's heart by getting with Marcus in Because of Low. Cage went into a tailspin that ended in a DUI. In order to salvage his baseball scholarship—the one thing he truly valued besides Low—Cage must take a summer job. At a farm. Away from Sea Breeze. With lots of cows, but no hot girls. Maybe that's what Cage needs to get back on track.

But wait—there's that hostile daughter of the farm boss. She's pretty and occasionally sweet, and there seems to be a lot of sadness and mystery behind her anger. Cage is dying to strip her down—physically and mentally—in the back of the barn. But is he prepared for what will happen afterward?
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O m g. Abbi.
This made me cry so much. And want to punch something lol.
So sad but.. ya know. I loved it. Great job.
Btw, I love how, at least in the books of the series I have read so far, you write the next books characters into the current storyline keeps a reader addicted. Xo
I have been spamming the heck out of you on my Facebook book groups. Lol. I intend to make them all your slaves! ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
I struggled a bit with this book. The main characters, Cage and Eva, have been through a lot of bad things in their twenty years. Cage has been abandoned by everyone around him and baseball is the one thing that's going to get him to college and a better life. Eva has lost the love of her life and can't move on. They come together for a summer and make an immediate connection.
My main issue with this was that I was frustrated with how little they trusted each other. Something happens, one of them takes it out of context and then overreacts. If you would just talk to each other, things would be fine. But that would take out a lot of the drama I suppose. The book wasn't bad and there were plenty of sweet scenes that I loved. I have to remember that they're young and the point of the book is not for everything to just be great with no problems.
I will keep reading the series, I like seeing the different characters find they're happily ever afters. ( )
  AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
Since I read book four, Amanda's and Preston's story first from the series, I had no idea that Cage was also a playboy or a man whore too as they were so cheekily referred to.

I have some questions here. What the heck is wrong with me? Why do I keep finding myself rooting for these shameless players to get the girl and why do I keep falling in love with their characters? Either I need help or Abbi Glines is just that good at writing flawed but still lovable characters. I think I will go with the latter.

I loved Eva, she's sweet, innocent, but not annoyingly so. I was anxious for her and Cage to finally realize their crazy about each other and just give in to their feelings already. The story within this surprising love story was compelling and profound. Glines never disappoints. ( )
  ItsBookishMe | Oct 22, 2016 |
Cage's story was great! Another wonderfully written story for the Seabreeze series. Highly recommend it. ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
2.5-3 STARS

It was okay. It didn't stand off or brought up many feels, it was just typical.

My only reactions were a twitch of a lip or a frown here and there, *sigh* I do not know if I'm loosing my hype or these NA books are just all the same.

I used to love my NA fix but gotta say that this one was not really dissatisfied me and a bit disappointed me. ( )
  Leila.Khouane | Sep 2, 2015 |
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Cage brings his playboy prowess to the countryside as the Sea Breeze hookups continue, from self-published phenomenon Abbi Glines.
Low broke Cage's heart by getting with Marcus in Because of Low. Cage went into a tailspin that ended in a DUI. In order to salvage his baseball scholarship—the one thing he truly valued besides Low—Cage must take a summer job. At a farm. Away from Sea Breeze. With lots of cows, but no hot girls. Maybe that's what Cage needs to get back on track.

But wait—there's that hostile daughter of the farm boss. She's pretty and occasionally sweet, and there seems to be a lot of sadness and mystery behind her anger. Cage is dying to strip her down—physically and mentally—in the back of the barn. But is he prepared for what will happen afterward?

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Moyenne: (4.05)
1 1
2 3
3 19
3.5 6
4 41
4.5 1
5 36


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