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Ozzie's School of Management: Lessons from the Dugout, the Clubhouse, and the Doghouse

par Rick Morrissey

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2617916,929 (2.64)9
Going behind the scenes with Ozzie Guillen, baseball's most colorful and irrepressible manager, to reveal the hidden factors that create a winning team When Ozzie Guillen opens his mouth, nobody knows what's going to come out. And that has made the manager of the Miami Marlins endlessly entertaining to legions of baseball fans. In language that is often as profane as it is colorful, he will lash out not only at his team's opponents but also at his own players, reporters, fans, and most of all, himself. He is always getting himself in hot water, and he loves every minute of it. Yet for all the antics and controversy, Guillen is also one of the game's best managers--a World Series champion and a perennial contender. This book opens the door on the secrets to his success. Ozzie's School of Management distills the ten commandments of managing, Guillen-style, which means no-holds-barred and leave your squeamishness at the door. TheChicago Sun-Times sports columnist Rick Morrissey, who built a strong rapport with Guillen during his eight years with the Chicago White Sox, takes us on a rollicking ride through Ozzie's world, shining a light on his sharp intellect, organizational insights, and changing moods, and showing that the most important part of managing occurs before the first pitch and after the last out.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 9 mentions

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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
The title is very misleading--there are no lessons in this book. You could not be Ozzie Guillen (or even part of him) in the real world and still retain your job. But beyond that, the book is a long apology for Ozzie. You do learn more about Ozzie and his style, more than you have read in the paper/magazine accounts of his antics. The writing is generally poor and is geared towards highlighting Ozzie's pithy quotes and profanity, but it does not do much to give you true insight. A disappointing read. ( )
  redsauce | Nov 21, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is a lively, somewhat entertaining look at long-time Chicago White Sox player and manager, Ozzie Guillen, written by a Chicago Sun-Times sports columnist. Of course, Ozzie, being the colorful, out-of-control person he is, eventually wore out his welcome in Chicago and, when the Sox refused to give him a contract extension, left the team shortly before the end of the 2011 season, to manage the Marlins for 2012. However, he was fired just this week, after only one year on a four-year contract.

As a Cubs fan, I don't like Ozzie but I gained a greater appreciation for both him and his management style, in terms of his baseball knowledge and his handling of ballplayers, particularly as to how he is different from other managers. He is known for causing a fuss to take the attention off of his slumping players.

This book starts out well, full of promise, but sort of fizzles out towards the end. It could've been quite a bit shorter, I think.

If you're a Sox fan or a true baseball fan, you might enjoy this. It's not bad. I've seen better baseball books but I've certainly read worse. ( )
  lindapanzo | Oct 26, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I did not really care much for this book, but then I don’t care much for Ozzie Guillen. This book seems more like a 250 page sports column than an actual book. The book contains 10 chapters. Each one delves into one of “The Ten Commandments of Ozzie which attempts to explain the manager and how he operates. Often the content of the chapters don’t seem to match what the title says it is supposed to be about. The book does give some insight into the manager though. For instance you learn what was behind Guillen’s feud with White Sox General Manager Kenny Williams. You also learn how Ozzie is not a fan of sabermetrics, meetings or any type of scouting report. ( )
  jsewvello | Aug 24, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I have to confess I am not sure why I wanted this book. I am not a fan of the White Sox or the Marlins and I am at best a casual baseball fan. Because of Guillen's controversial comments on Fidel Castro at the beginning of the baseball season,I had a little more reason to be interested in this book. I learned that Guillen throws tantrums, is obsessed with being fired, and protective of his family. Beyond that, there really isn't much here for the casual baseball fan. The wise-cracking sportswriter style doesn't do much for the narrative. Guillen comes across as a cartoon rather than a flesh and blood human being. The author has managed to produce a really dull book about a colorful figure. ( )
  odkins | Jul 14, 2012 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
To a hard core Ozzie fan or a White Sox fan, this book would give you a chance to relive the pain of the 2011 season. I was expecting a little more background on Ozzie. Instead, the book seemed to be a series of Ozzie quotes. And all of Ozzie's profanity is included. ( )
  chgstrom | Jul 10, 2012 |
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Going behind the scenes with Ozzie Guillen, baseball's most colorful and irrepressible manager, to reveal the hidden factors that create a winning team When Ozzie Guillen opens his mouth, nobody knows what's going to come out. And that has made the manager of the Miami Marlins endlessly entertaining to legions of baseball fans. In language that is often as profane as it is colorful, he will lash out not only at his team's opponents but also at his own players, reporters, fans, and most of all, himself. He is always getting himself in hot water, and he loves every minute of it. Yet for all the antics and controversy, Guillen is also one of the game's best managers--a World Series champion and a perennial contender. This book opens the door on the secrets to his success. Ozzie's School of Management distills the ten commandments of managing, Guillen-style, which means no-holds-barred and leave your squeamishness at the door. TheChicago Sun-Times sports columnist Rick Morrissey, who built a strong rapport with Guillen during his eight years with the Chicago White Sox, takes us on a rollicking ride through Ozzie's world, shining a light on his sharp intellect, organizational insights, and changing moods, and showing that the most important part of managing occurs before the first pitch and after the last out.

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Le livre Ozzie's School of Management: Lessons from the Dugout, the Clubhouse, and the Doghouse de Rick Morrissey était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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