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Dakota Home

par Debbie Macomber

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646437,547 (3.76)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:This town is coming back to life!
People have started moving to Buffalo Valley, North Dakota — people like Lindsay Snyder, who came as a teacher and stayed, marrying local farmer Gage Sinclair. And now Lindsay's best friend, Maddy Washburn, has decided to pull up stakes and join her in Buffalo Valley, hoping for the same kind of satisfaction. And the same kind of love.
Jeb McKenna is a rancher, a solitary man who's learned to endure. Maddy — unafraid and openhearted — is drawn to Jeb, but he rejects her overtures. Until one of North Dakota's deadly storms throws them together...
Those few days and nights bring unexpected consequences for Maddy and Jeb. Consequences that, one way or another, affect everyone in Buffalo Valley.
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4 sur 4
A nice, pleasant story about small town America. ( )
  soosthemoose | Apr 9, 2018 |
second in the series. When Maddy comes to town for Lyndsey's wedding, she decides to buy the local grocery store and plant roots. Rancher Jeb catches her eye, but he dead set on being a loner until a multitude of circumstances and meddlers through them together. ( )
  nancynova | Mar 17, 2016 |
The second book in the Dakota series which furthers the story of the the folks living in Buffalo Valley. This book could be read and followed without reading the first one. There would be some character details and stories that you would miss, but this one follows an entirely different group of characters than the first. This is a pretty solid and predictable story, if you're looking for a surprise or a lot action this one probably won't work for you. This story like the first one tends to focus on folks, their lives, and what they think but not necessarily say. ( )
  sunfi | Oct 6, 2008 |
I enjoyed this second installment of Macomber's series. As in the previous novel, I wish that the characters had not engaged in pre-marital sex. She resolved most of the conflicts in the book; however, there are two that are not yet resolved that I suspect will be among the main conflicts in the third book of the series. ( )
  thornton37814 | Jan 14, 2008 |
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Anna and Anton Adler
Helen and Florian Zimmerman
For their courage, dedication and love
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Jeb McKenna recognized death, sensed the cold, dark shadow of its approach as he labored for each breath.
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Do not combine with the 2-in-1 containing a bonus story.

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:This town is coming back to life!
People have started moving to Buffalo Valley, North Dakota — people like Lindsay Snyder, who came as a teacher and stayed, marrying local farmer Gage Sinclair. And now Lindsay's best friend, Maddy Washburn, has decided to pull up stakes and join her in Buffalo Valley, hoping for the same kind of satisfaction. And the same kind of love.
Jeb McKenna is a rancher, a solitary man who's learned to endure. Maddy — unafraid and openhearted — is drawn to Jeb, but he rejects her overtures. Until one of North Dakota's deadly storms throws them together...
Those few days and nights bring unexpected consequences for Maddy and Jeb. Consequences that, one way or another, affect everyone in Buffalo Valley.

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Moyenne: (3.76)
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3 21
3.5 6
4 22
5 17

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