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Montgomery Murder

par Cora Harrison

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315794,027 (3.63)1
Juvenile Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In the mean streets of Victorian London lies the body of wealthy Mr Montgomery.

The police must move fast to catch his killer. They need an insider, someone streetwise, cunning, bold ... someone like Alfie.

When Inspector Denham makes him an offer he can't refuse, it's up to Alfie and his gang to sift clues, shadow suspects and negotiate a sinister world of double-dealing and danger – until the shocking truth is revealed.

The first action-packed adventure in The London Murder Mysteries series.

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4 sur 4
  greer.d | Jul 30, 2024 |
I was surprised to find this book was already a decade old. It also seems to be labeled as an adult mystery, when it reads more like something meant for middle-grade children. With that in mind, I thought the book was well written and at a good length for kids ages 9-14. The plot was okay, but it wasn't thrilling and the mystery wasn't very captivating.

*Book received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review* ( )
  managedbybooks | Jul 25, 2019 |
This is the first in the London Murder Mystery YA series set in the Victorian era. Alfie and his four friends, including the dog, are orphans turned amateur sleuths. In this mystery they are investigating the murder of a wealthy man.

It’s an entertaining tale with just the right amount of suspense, gore and action to appeal to younger readers, whilst adults should find it a quick, easy and engaging read. The main characters are instantly likeable and reminded me a little of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five! The sights and sounds of London are well described and give a good sense of time and place. It has an interesting plot which kept me turning the pages to find out ‘whodunnit’.

An enjoyable and fun read.

Thanks to Sapere Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. ( )
  VanessaCW | May 1, 2019 |
Reviewed for Netgalley.
Archie, his blind brother Sammy, his two cousins and a large dog all live in Dickensian London cellar. They earn money for rent any way they can but mostly through begging with Sammy's angelic singing and the antics of the dog.
On one such escapade they try to steal some bread and Archie is caught by the police. While in custody, a detective picks his brains about a recent murder and what the word on the street is about it. There is a reward offered and so Archie decides to try and earn the reward after the detective lets him go.

Lots of twists and turns in this mystery with fairly believable characters that I quite warmed to and made me want to read another in the same series. For fans of Sherlock Holmes and other mysteries as set in similar time. ( )
  nicsreads | Apr 10, 2019 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In the mean streets of Victorian London lies the body of wealthy Mr Montgomery.

The police must move fast to catch his killer. They need an insider, someone streetwise, cunning, bold ... someone like Alfie.

When Inspector Denham makes him an offer he can't refuse, it's up to Alfie and his gang to sift clues, shadow suspects and negotiate a sinister world of double-dealing and danger – until the shocking truth is revealed.

The first action-packed adventure in The London Murder Mysteries series.


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