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Perfect Shadow (2011)

par Brent Weeks

Séries: L'Ange de la nuit (00)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
4851652,696 (3.78)10
Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:For the first time as an Orbit special edition, Brent Weeks's blockbuster novella Perfect Shadow tells the origin story of the Night Angel trilogy's most enigmatic character: Durzo Blint. Also includes the short story, I, Nightangel.
/> Gaelan Starfire is a farmer, happy to be a husband and a father; a careful, quiet, simple man. He's also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he's worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity, and all too often he's become a hero, his very names passing into legend: Acaelus Thorne, Yric the Black, Hrothan Steelbender, Tal Drakkan, Rebus Nimble.
But when Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world's finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan-and-crimelord Gwinvere Kirena, what he finds may destroy everything he's ever believed in.… (plus d'informations)

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Prelim Review: I love Durzo. I love Graphics Audio. I love the fact I got a little over two hours of listening enjoyment from Graphics Audio about Durzo and who he was before he met Kylar. NIGHT ANGEL TRILOGY was so much about Kylar (as he was the focal character mainly) and for me I wanted to know more about the man who trained him. This hard man who had lived for so many years, through so many guises, who loved and lost and loved again and fought hard to just be normal once more.

This frelling audiobook had me sobbing at times. Maybe because I knew the outcome of his path, maybe because I knew that the man he was at the start of the story (Galen Starfire) would not be the man he was at the end and it broke my heart.

Full Review to be posted at Poisoned Rationality ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
Gaelan Fuego de Estrella es un campesino, un padre atento y un esposo fiel. Un hombre que, en apariencia, transmite serenidad y simpleza. Pero lo que el mundo no sabe es que Gaelan es también un ser inmortal, poseedor del don supremo del arte de la guerra. A través de los siglos, el guerrero ha tenido que adoptar múltiples alter egos para esconder su verdadera esencia, pero es un hombre destinado a convertirse en héroe aunque procure vivir en la oscuridad. Así es como los diversos nombres que ha asumido acaban convirtiéndose en auténticas leyendas: Acaelus Thorne, Yric el Negro, Hrothan Doblaceros, Tal Drakkan, Rebus Diestro...
El delicado equilibrio que sostiene toda su vida y la mentira que lo acompaña parecen vacilar el día en que Gaelan se ve obligado a aceptar un nuevo y peligroso trabajo: enfrentarse a los delincuentes más temidos del universo, para ayudar a la dueña suprema de los crímenes de la ciudad, la hermosa cortesana Gwinvere Kirena.
  Natt90 | Apr 25, 2023 |
Ridiculously annoying teenage boy's fantasy, and no sign of Momma K's sister anywhere. Huge disappointment. ( )
1 voter brutalstirfry | May 6, 2022 |
It's an enjoyable prequel to the Nightangel trilogy but I had hoped it would be longer. ( )
  MVO_1 | Feb 16, 2022 |
Brent Weeks

Physical Hardcover Copy & E-Book

Obtained: Amazon Purchase for Hardcover and Google Books purchase for E-Book copy

Brent Weeks has to be in my top 5 authors of all time. Ever since I pre-ordered and read the Night Angel series (will review those at some point later on after a re-read) because I wanted to find a new random author to start reading one day while on the Barnes and Noble website. After buying and pre-ordering all of his books I could, that ended up as one of the best random purchases I have ever done.

Warning possible slight spoilers ahead

I finally have gotten my grubby hands on the prequel to the Night Angel series and I was not disappointed at all. It was a very quick read and the bonus short story at the end was also fun to read. I could almost say I feel complete about the Night Angel universe but the novella still leaves more to be desired. I want to explore the world more and get more stories and adventures from Durzo Blint’s past.

In My Opinion, this was a very quick paced book that only just barely touches the surface of who Durzo Blint is and was. I hope that there is more to come and I would like to explore this even more if the author ever allows us to.

I give this book 4 ka’kari out of 5 ( )
  teowarden | Oct 20, 2021 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:For the first time as an Orbit special edition, Brent Weeks's blockbuster novella Perfect Shadow tells the origin story of the Night Angel trilogy's most enigmatic character: Durzo Blint. Also includes the short story, I, Nightangel.
Gaelan Starfire is a farmer, happy to be a husband and a father; a careful, quiet, simple man. He's also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he's worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fit for obscurity, and all too often he's become a hero, his very names passing into legend: Acaelus Thorne, Yric the Black, Hrothan Steelbender, Tal Drakkan, Rebus Nimble.
But when Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world's finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan-and-crimelord Gwinvere Kirena, what he finds may destroy everything he's ever believed in.

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