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Dead Of Winter

par Robert J. Duperre, Jesse David Young (Illustrateur)

Séries: The Rift (2)

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Winter arrives, and with it the Storm. Snow piles up, turning the landscape into a white prison. The survivors of Wrathchild's plague struggle to survive. With loneliness and doubt creeping in, they must choose: stay in isolation with their dwindling resources, or journey south, taking a chance in a realm where the undead walk.This is the terror facing the characters in Dead of Winter, the sequel to The Fall by Robert J. Duperre. With darkness all around them and the mystery of humanity's unraveling growing deeper each day, they must delve deep into their reservoir of strength to move forward.The coast of Florida lies hundreds of miles away, and with it the possibility of salvation.… (plus d'informations)

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Dead of Winter: The Rift Book Two by Robert J. Duperre is the chilling second installment in Mr. Duperre’s apocalyptic zombies series. All odds are against the few and scattered survivors, tearing away what little hope they’ve been able to hold onto. Not only are they fighting for their lives against the flesh craving Wraths, but the harsh Winter has set in, making any and all of their efforts near impossible! The book picks up soon after where The Fall left off. Closely following the main characters the reader has become familiar with, while introducing new key players in this frightening journey to save humanity.

Eduardo Pereira, a Spanish boat captain and his adoring wife and son. A man whose visions of the Holy Mother were helping to guide he and his family to safer shores.

William Mathis, a wise professor whose analytical and logical ways of thinking were constantly being tested by the other worldly happenings around him.

Corky, a larger than life man and his brood of friends who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

These men have come together to fight and protect, and have found that their meeting was anything but chance. In fact, all of the survivors have been guided by fate, a path chosen for them, a path they’re not always willing or wanting to accept.

Robert J. Duperre is able to thrust the reader into the book with his realistically horrifying stories, and fantastic writing! As with The Fall, I was unable to put Dead of Winter down! I cannot wait until late 2011 for the third installment to be released, it will be a must read!!

Dead of Winter does contain graphic violence and sexual themes. Recommended for mature adult audiences only.

~Hazel O'Shea - Reviewer for Juniper Grove ( )
  JaidisShaw | Apr 23, 2011 |
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Duperre, Robert J.Auteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Young, Jesse DavidIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Winter arrives, and with it the Storm. Snow piles up, turning the landscape into a white prison. The survivors of Wrathchild's plague struggle to survive. With loneliness and doubt creeping in, they must choose: stay in isolation with their dwindling resources, or journey south, taking a chance in a realm where the undead walk.This is the terror facing the characters in Dead of Winter, the sequel to The Fall by Robert J. Duperre. With darkness all around them and the mystery of humanity's unraveling growing deeper each day, they must delve deep into their reservoir of strength to move forward.The coast of Florida lies hundreds of miles away, and with it the possibility of salvation.

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