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The Daughter's Walk

par Jane Kirkpatrick

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25120110,585 (3.97)4
Nineteen-year-old Clara Estby is hauled by her mother, Helga, on a 7,000-mile walk from Spokane, Wash., to New York in 1896. The fashion industry is looking for promotion of the new, shorter dress for women; Helga is looking for a cash prize to save the family farm from foreclosure ... and Clara dreams of becoming a businesswoman.… (plus d'informations)

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» Voir aussi les 4 mentions

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This book was interesting. I like how Jane Kirkpatrick takes moments in history and crafts a story from them. It's a somewhat sad story for the most part. My heart ached for Clara and the difficulties that she faced. I liked how the book ended, it really gave closure. ( )
  Sassyjd32 | Dec 22, 2023 |
  WBCLIB | Jun 12, 2023 |
Having familiarized myself with this story through this book was good. The writing was lightweight and the book kept my interest but it was no powerhouse as I had hoped. ( )
  LeahWiederspahn | Jun 2, 2022 |
This is the first book that I have ever read by Jane Kirkpatrick. I put off doing this review until now because I did not want to say good bye to this! I have connected with this story so many times while reading it and it made me think of my paternal grandmother growing up in New York, reading Godey 's Lady Magazines, tatting, hooking rugs and painting flowers, creating different kinds of needle lace. Now I have so many questions about her.

Helga Etsby made me think of my grandmother. Helga and and her daughter Clara went on a long journey from Spokane, Washington to New York City by walking. I cannot imagine to doing that today myself! We have the tale of the walk pieced together by research and descendants and where gaping holes in the story, Jane Kirkpatrick and others put together after a lot of research that keyhole into the story. The walk takes you back to 1896 and through the paths that they followed.

Clara made me think of my Aunt Martha and made me aware of how much I did not know about her. Like Clara, my Aunt Martha bought up farmlands and houses for rentals. When reading of Clara, I kept thinking of my Aunt Martha! Now I am encouraged to gather more information about their lives and make stories for my own grandchildren.

There is a huge amount of family turmoil but the longer you live in a family the more you recognize
separation and partings are in families joy and celebration.

I highly recommend this book, now one of my all time favorites to anyone interested in family history, genealogy or lore. I bought this book in recommendation of my friends in 2011 and put on the shelf. I am so glad that I took it off the shelf and read it. ( )
  Carolee888 | Jan 24, 2020 |
Quite a journey. ( )
  untitled841 | Jul 24, 2019 |
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To strong and transforming women of all generations.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Nineteen-year-old Clara Estby is hauled by her mother, Helga, on a 7,000-mile walk from Spokane, Wash., to New York in 1896. The fashion industry is looking for promotion of the new, shorter dress for women; Helga is looking for a cash prize to save the family farm from foreclosure ... and Clara dreams of becoming a businesswoman.

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2 1
3 9
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4 22
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5 11

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