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21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart (2011)

par Neal D. Barnard

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1053267,996 (3.97)1
A popular doctor offers a twenty-one-day plant-based diet designed to help reduce appetite, boost metabolism, and reduce cholesterol, and includes grocery-shopping tips, meal plans, and more than one hundred recipes.

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A basic starter book for those who need a push in the right direction. Not recommended for former fitness pros or those enthusiasts with prior knowledge of health, fitness, and nutrition. ( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
A vegetarian based diet not for the average person trying to lose weight.

21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart has been the hardest dietary book for me to review. I decided I was going to give the diet a try and it has not worked for me at all. I lasted a total of one week out of the 21 days without eggs, chicken, fish and seafood which I love. The whole week I was left feeling totally hungry, unhappy and down-right miserable, even hating my husband as he sat next to me eating seafood. A dangerous kickstart if you ask me. I would only recommend this book to anyone if they already are a Vegetarian because if you are a lover of seafood and eggs like me it will never work. I know there are people who hate seafood or would never touch an egg. I believe if you are one of these people then it is much easier for you to convert to this diet.I can totally drop meat, even poultry however fish, seafood and eggs no way. This book has great information and is really helpful, if you are a vegetarian that is. However if you are not a vegetarian then of course you will lose weight by cutting these things from your diet, so this concept makes no sense to me. I do not belief this book is for the average person trying to lose weight while maintaining a healthy eating pattern. I believe a diet in moderation is better than removing fish that is a good source of omega-3 or eggs if you enjoy them. Why should a healthy way of eating make you fell so awful? However that is what I found this book to be just a helpful guide for those who already have incorporated a vegetarian diet into their lifestyle. Take account I say incorporated because that is exactly what this diet feels like, one big plastic corporation and unhealthy because you then must substitute what you are missing with pills. Which goes to show if your body needs these vitamins that are found in foods why should you be cutting these out in the first place. If you are a vegetarian then go for it. You might find some helpful information for your bland diet, however if you are just starting out I would be careful to make sure you get the required vitamins and minerals your body needs when on this diet. ( )
  autumnblues | Jun 2, 2011 |
This is a very easy to understand book. It takes you on a 21-Day weight loss regime.

First thing you need to know is that it is STRICTLY vegetarian. You are not allowed any meat or dairy during these 21 days.

Each day, there is a different focus that you read about. Such as day 17 is about the food/sleep correlation. Did you know that eating healthy can actually help you sleep better? Did you also know that if you are overtired, you tend to overeat?

So not only are they having you change your eating habits, but they are explaining why. I think that is one of the most important. Too often we follow a diet and aren’t really sure of the reason behind it. This explains everything on each step of the way.

Not only does he tell you how to eat, but he provides great recipes that will help to satisfy your cravings.

I know that I learned a lot about nutrition and health that I really didn’t know before.

In conjunction with the Wakela's World Disclosure Statement, I received a product in order to enable my review. No other compensation has been received. My statements are an honest account of my experience with the brand. The opinions stated here are mine alone. ( )
  wakela | Apr 30, 2011 |
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A popular doctor offers a twenty-one-day plant-based diet designed to help reduce appetite, boost metabolism, and reduce cholesterol, and includes grocery-shopping tips, meal plans, and more than one hundred recipes.

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