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Petite musique de la mort (2011)

par Frank Tallis

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1414200,621 (3.85)1
Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:Frank Tallis, acclaimed author of the Edgar Award–nominated Vienna Secrets, returns with a new and masterfully woven tale full of deceit, love, and rich mystery. Set in fin de siècle Vienna, it’s perfect for fans of Boris Akunin, Alan Furst, and David Liss.
Ida Rosenkranz is top diva at the Vienna Opera, but she’s gone silent for good after an apparent laudanum overdose. Learning of her professional rivalries and her scandalous affairs with older men, Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt and Dr. Max Liebermann suspect foul play instead. Their investigation leads them into dark and dangerous conflicts with Gustav Mahler, the opera’s imperious director, who is himself the target of a poison pen campaign, and Karl Lueger, Vienna’s powerful and anti-Semitic mayor. As the peril escalates, Rheinhardt grows further into his role as family man, while Liebermann finds himself at odds with his inamorata, Amelia, who’s loosening both her corset and her tongue in the new feminist movement.
“[A] captivating historical series.”—The New York Times Book Review
“[A] riveting read . . . with well researched and wonderfully imagined period detail.”—The Guardian (U.K.), on Vienna Twilight
“Chock-full of tantalizing elements.”—The Austin Chronicle, on Vienna Secrets
“Engrossing . . . immensely satisfying.”—The Boston Globe, on Fatal Lies.
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Le dernier volume de cette série reprend les thèmes qui nous avaient déjà séduits: la résolution des énigmes grâce aux théories psychanalytiques, le contexte culturel viennois autour de 1900, la montée de l'antisémitisme et des tensions politiques. Les compromissions, le pessimisme et la fin ouverte de cet opus ne font que souligner les heures sombres qui attendent l'Europe. ( )
  Steph. | Mar 15, 2015 |
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:Frank Tallis, acclaimed author of the Edgar Award–nominated Vienna Secrets, returns with a new and masterfully woven tale full of deceit, love, and rich mystery. Set in fin de siècle Vienna, it’s perfect for fans of Boris Akunin, Alan Furst, and David Liss.
Ida Rosenkranz is top diva at the Vienna Opera, but she’s gone silent for good after an apparent laudanum overdose. Learning of her professional rivalries and her scandalous affairs with older men, Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt and Dr. Max Liebermann suspect foul play instead. Their investigation leads them into dark and dangerous conflicts with Gustav Mahler, the opera’s imperious director, who is himself the target of a poison pen campaign, and Karl Lueger, Vienna’s powerful and anti-Semitic mayor. As the peril escalates, Rheinhardt grows further into his role as family man, while Liebermann finds himself at odds with his inamorata, Amelia, who’s loosening both her corset and her tongue in the new feminist movement.
“[A] captivating historical series.”—The New York Times Book Review
“[A] riveting read . . . with well researched and wonderfully imagined period detail.”—The Guardian (U.K.), on Vienna Twilight
“Chock-full of tantalizing elements.”—The Austin Chronicle, on Vienna Secrets
“Engrossing . . . immensely satisfying.”—The Boston Globe, on Fatal Lies.

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