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Midnight Caller (2013)

par Leslie Tentler

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Séries: Chasing Evil Trilogy (1)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Late-night radio-show psychologist Rain Sommers is used to the crazies who call in to rage from the back alleys of the French Quarter and the shadows of the bayou. But one caller's chilling obsession with her and her long-ago murdered mother--an iconic singer beloved among the city's Goth community--has even the jaded Rain running scared as a sadistic serial killer known as the Vampire prowls New Orleans.

FBI agent Trevor Rivette is convinced her midnight caller and the killer are one and the same. As it becomes disturbingly clear that the Vampire has a sick bloodlust only Rain can satisfy, she allows Trevor to get closer and closer. But he soon discovers that his secretive past and troubled present are intertwined--and that he may die trying to keep Rain's fate out of a madman's control.
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Midnight Caller was an excellent serial killer story. New Orleans is always an atmospheric setting for a mystery. Rain and Trevor make interesting main characters in a story that features lots of issues for both of them to face, both from their past and their present. The love story between the two characters is presented in such a way that it draws the reader into their lives and their story. This one was very well written and enjoyable. ( )
  ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
Midnight Caller
4 Stars

Late-night radio psychologist, Rain Sommers, has a new fan - a sadistic serial killer who exsanguinates his victims and calls himself Dante. Targeting young women in the Goth community, Dante aka "The Vampire" is also obsessed with Rain’s mother, an iconic singer murdered long ago. Enter FBI Agent, Trevor Rivette, a man with a traumatic past that still haunts him to this day. Will Trevor and Rain be able to stop the deranged killer before he gets to them first?

The New Orleans setting and Gothic overtones lend an intensely creepy and gripping atmosphere to the story. While not the most original, the blood-obsessed serial killer plot is absorbing and the subplot revolving around Rain’s mother is reminiscent of one of my favorite Nora Roberts’ books - [b:River's End|59805|River's End|Nora Roberts||1116032].

The suspect pool is limited, which makes it relatively easy to figure out the culprit’s identity, but the climax is exciting. Nevertheless, the ending is needlessly drawn out and several points are left unexplained, such as the effect of blood consumption on Carterias’s physical condition as well as the truth of whether he killed Desiree and Gavin.

In terms of the romance, Rain and Trevor's relationship is not all that convincing, and it appears that she is more invested in the relationship than he.

Rain is initially characterized as an intelligent and resilient heroine. However, she has several TSTL moments that undermine this portrayal and she lacks a certain amount of perceptiveness that one would expect from a psychologist. Moreover, her relationship with her ex-boyfriend does not present her in the best light as she fails to stand up to his passive-aggressive manipulations.

Trevor is a likable hero and the details of his family history only make him more intriguing. That said, his behavior is not always consistent with that of a trained FBI agent and he often comes across as a beta-hero.

In sum, Midnight Caller leans more toward the suspense than the romance, but it is still a good story with some excellent characterization and I will be continuing with the series. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |
Midnight Caller was an excellent serial killer story. New Orleans is always an atmospheric setting for a mystery. Rain and Trevor make interesting main characters in a story that features lots of issues for both of them to face, both from their past and their present. The love story between the two characters is presented in such a way that it draws the reader into their lives and their story. This one was very well written and enjoyable. ( )
  Mrslabraden | Jun 28, 2017 |
A serial killer has been crossing state lines killing young women, and it seems he is now stalking Rain Sommers: a radio show psychologist, in New Orleans. The killer, known as Vampire, is connected to the Goth community. The Goth devotees have a connection to Rain’s mother; a singer who was murdered decades ago. FBI agent Trevor Rivette has been following the killer from state to state; even though Trevor has bad feelings about growing up in New Orleans, he has to ignore those emotions and go there to stop the murders.
This is a dark scary story, really well written, with characters that I liked right away. Rain, Trevor, and his sister Amanda and brother Brian are the light and balance to the evil characters in this murder mystery. Even the secondary characters are memorable. This isn’t the type of book I usually read, but I can see why Leslie Tentler won an award for this one: it’s hard to put down. One warning, its graphic details about Vampires’ victims, and his blood lust is not for everyone, and there is sexual content so it would be rated R if it becomes a movie. This is Leslie’s 1st book in the series Chasing Evil and I’m rating it 4 stars. ( )
  PamelaBarrett | Jul 30, 2013 |
Rain Sommers is a psychologist with a radio show in New Orleans. She is also the daughter of a late, great local celebrity which gets her more attention than she would like. Now she has the attention of a serial killer who delights in drinking the blood of his victims. Enter Trevor Rivette, FBI agent, who has been following the trail of the killer all over the south. Trevor is from NOLA but has not been back in years. He has his own personal baggage. But Rain and Trevor seem meant for each other despite all the drama and that pesky serial killer.

You know how sometimes you just need something different to read? Well this was my something this time. I was sort of off my read and I think this book put me back in the swing. It was not a great book but I really enjoyed it. I like that it was not too bloody, despite the subject. It was not very violent, again considering. I thought the characters were well developed and interesting. I liked Trevor's family and his back story. I also liked that the sex was not overdone. I would definitely read another book by Tentler. ( )
  TheLibraryhag | Feb 21, 2012 |
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Leslie Tentlerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Gavin, MargueriteNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Late-night radio-show psychologist Rain Sommers is used to the crazies who call in to rage from the back alleys of the French Quarter and the shadows of the bayou. But one caller's chilling obsession with her and her long-ago murdered mother--an iconic singer beloved among the city's Goth community--has even the jaded Rain running scared as a sadistic serial killer known as the Vampire prowls New Orleans.

FBI agent Trevor Rivette is convinced her midnight caller and the killer are one and the same. As it becomes disturbingly clear that the Vampire has a sick bloodlust only Rain can satisfy, she allows Trevor to get closer and closer. But he soon discovers that his secretive past and troubled present are intertwined--and that he may die trying to keep Rain's fate out of a madman's control.

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