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Where Have All the Birdies Gone?

par Aaron Elkins, Charlotte Elkins

Séries: Lee Ofsted (4)

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332753,992 (3.79)6
If there is one thing the young golfer Lee Ofsted doesn't have on her mind, it is her chances of being selected for the Stewart Cup Tournament {{ the competition that pits the greatest American golfers, male and female, against their British and European counterparts. Lee is on no one's list of the !'greatest American golfers,"" so it comes as a surprise when the great Roger Finley, captain of the American team, invites her to play. She's on the team, but exhilaration soon gives way to anxiety. Can she deliver? However, as play begins, Lee's worries about making a fool of herself take second place when Roger!&s devoted long-time caddie is found murdered, and Lee herself is the victim of an attempt on her life. It takes all of Lee's nerve and natural talent to see the competition through, to keep out of the gunsights of a resourceful killer, and, in the end, to make sense of a bizarre and paradoxical mystery.… (plus d'informations)

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Lee Ofsted has been struggling to move up the rankings of the lady professional golfers for several years managing to make enough money to play but not knowing how long she can do it with cheap motels, a car that's ready to give up the ghost and fast food. When she gets a call from Roger Finley the team captain for the Stewart Cup competition telling her that she has won the lottery position for the Stewart Cup event. Roger Finley is notably one of the best players of the day but has been having some difficulties of late. Lee will be Roger's partner and is extremely nervous that she will not have a good showing.

At the event, not only has Finley's caddie been murdered, but there has been an attempt on Lee's life as well. But why? Could it be the competition or is it more devious?

I really enjoy this series since my husband is an avid golfer. It gives me an insight to his passion. It is well written and the characters are interesting to follow. ( )
  cyderry | Apr 20, 2021 |
Hmmmph, LT has this as by just Aaron - oh well. He's written a lot more - I like his Skeleton Detective series and the art one isn't bad. This one is the golf mysteries. The best thing about them is the way the relationship actually change and advance as the series goes on - it would be very easy to leave them hanging, so each book leaves them more or less where they started. But Lee is actually advancing in her career as a golf pro, and her relationship with Graham is also advancing. It's great! The story itself - the mystery - is quite good too - managed to surprise me with the identity of the villain, while making me look back and say "Oh, yes! So that's why he behaved that way..." ( )
  jjmcgaffey | May 16, 2008 |
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Elkins, Aaronauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Elkins, Charlotteauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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If there is one thing the young golfer Lee Ofsted doesn't have on her mind, it is her chances of being selected for the Stewart Cup Tournament {{ the competition that pits the greatest American golfers, male and female, against their British and European counterparts. Lee is on no one's list of the !'greatest American golfers,"" so it comes as a surprise when the great Roger Finley, captain of the American team, invites her to play. She's on the team, but exhilaration soon gives way to anxiety. Can she deliver? However, as play begins, Lee's worries about making a fool of herself take second place when Roger!&s devoted long-time caddie is found murdered, and Lee herself is the victim of an attempt on her life. It takes all of Lee's nerve and natural talent to see the competition through, to keep out of the gunsights of a resourceful killer, and, in the end, to make sense of a bizarre and paradoxical mystery.

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Moyenne: (3.79)
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