The Book House


Bookstorelivres d'occasion
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Great place to get used books, good atmosphere.
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N33tFr33k, anticollision


Maybe I'm a bit too romantic about libraries, but this is how I would describe it... It seems a bit like a mad man's personal library. It was teeming with books, high to the ceiling, and it was rather crowded. However, it still had a sense of organization. I felt like I could get lost in there, even though it was small. (And that, for me, was the best part.)

There are a good amount of older books and classics. Although, just the other day I saw the first Hunger Games book there. And as for prices, I picked up an old classic for a dollar, while the friend I took with me found a book for fifty dollars. It obviously depends on the book and its age.

I intend to go back soon.
Juin 2013 par anticollision
Lots of good old books here, crammed together with an unbelievable collection of old Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars still in their original containers. Apparently this store is owned by a husband and wife and these cars are the husband's obsessions. As someone who still has my old Matchbox/Hot Wheels collection, I'm tempted, but the book prices are a little more reasonable. They do know the value of things here, however, and I haven't found any big bargains other than what they put on the sidewalk in front of the store.

Recommended to be sure. I try to stop by on my trips to Harrisburg.
Août 2009 par datrappert
Cramped and a bit disorganized, but an excellent selection of vintage SF and crime paperbacks. It was good enough that I plan to return when I revisit the area.
Juillet 2009 par bibliorex