Mot-cléGeorgy Zhukov marshal 1896-1974 [Chief of Red Army General Staff 1941; Dep Supreme Cdr & Stavka rep & GOC various fronts 1941-45; Supreme Military Cdr & Military Gov Soviet Occupation Zone Germany 1945-46; Soviet Defence Minister 1955-57]

Comprend: Georgy Zhukov marshal 1896-1974 [Chief of Red Army General Staff 1941; Dep Supreme Cdr & Stavka rep & GOC various fronts 1941-45; Supreme Military Cdr & Military Gov Soviet Occupation Zone Germany 1945-46; Soviet Defence Minister 1955-57], georgy zhukov marshal 1896-1974 [chief of red army general staff 1941; dep supreme cdr & stavka rep & goc various fronts 1941-45; supreme military cdr & military gov soviet occupation zone germany 1945-46; soviet defence minister 1955-57]

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