Mot-cléArchevêque de Cantorbéry

Mot-clé anglais: Archbishop of Canterbury (améliorer cette traduction)

Comprend: Archbishop of Canterbury, archbishop of canterbury, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Abp of Canterbury, archibishop of canterbury, archbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of Anterbury, archbishop of anterbury, ARchbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop of canterbury, abp of canterbury
Traductions: Архиепископ на Кентърбъри, Erzbischof von Canterbury, Arzobispo de Canterbury, Archevêque de Cantorbéry, Arcivescovo di Canterbury, Kenterberio arkivyskupas, Aartsbisschop van Canterbury, Erkebiskop av Canterbury, Arcybiskupi Canterbury, Arcebispo da Cantuária, Архиепископ Кентерберийский, Arcibiskup canterburský, Надбискуп кентерберијски, Canterburyn arkkipiispa, Ärkebiskop av Canterbury

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