SantaThingSantaThing Entry #221

LibraryThing member lottpoet

Book tastes

I'm a big audiobook fan, so for SantaThing, I'm looking for books I would prefer to read on paper: graphic novels, manga, poetry, art books, books with innovative text (e.g., House of Leaves, The People of Paper), books with moveable parts (e.g., Nick Bantock, pop-up books). My library is up to date. I've made a wishlist, if that's helpful. I just used the + button on the book page to add the books and used whatever default popped up--I have no preference for mass market paperbacks vs. trade paperbacks vs. hardcover. A thing, I'd really love, if you have a good idea of one, is a gluten-free vegan baking cookbook--I've been looking and not having much luck having both covered in one baking cookbook. Otherwise I'm not sure I need any cookbooks (I have so many!) that are not on my wishlist. As for picture books, I have some listed on my wishlist that are for me (the adult) to enjoy. I didn't put it on the list above of things I want, but if you look at the ones in my library that I *own* (not ones I've read but don't own--I probably read those to the kids when they were small) and the ones that are on my wishlist and that inspires you to pick another, go for it.

Other notes

If I put it on my wishlist, I prefer to read it on the page, even if there is an audiobook version.

Secret Santa

lottpoet's Secret Santa was mooingzelda!

Purchasing Details

Store: Powell's (

Gift Amount: $50 (USD)


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katemcangus: checked (Déc 7, 2023, 11:05pm)
EerierIdyllMeme: Maze (Manson)

Or something from this list:

Maybe someone will get you the cheese one. (Nov 29, 2023, 8:44pm)