LieuxSonora, Mexico

Œuvres (43)

"Almanach d'un comte des sables" suivi de quelques croquis par Aldo Leopold
2666 par Roberto Bolaño
Adventures in the Apache country: A tour through Arizona and Sonora : with notes on the silver regions of Nevada par J. Ross Browne
Apocalyptic Planet: Field Guide to the Everending Earth par Craig Childs
Bride of Fortune par Shirl Henke
Campfires on Desert and Lava par William Temple Hornaday
Conflict in Colonial Sonora: Indians, Priests, and Settlers par David Yetman
The Desert Smells Like Rain par Gary Paul Nabhan
Empire of sand : the Seri Indians and the struggle for Spanish Sonora, 1645-1803 par Thomas E. Sheridan
Field Guide to the Damselflies and Dragonflies of Arizona and Sonora, A par Rich Bailowitz
From glory to oblivion: The real truth about the Mexican revolution par Guy Weddington McCreary
Gathering the Desert par Gary Paul Nabhan
God's Middle Finger: Into the Lawless Heart of the Sierra Madre par Richard Grant
Le grand passage par Cormac McCarthy
Géronimo l'Apache par Angie Debo
Historical memoir of Pimeria Alta : a contemporary account of the beginnings of California, Sonora, and Arizona, 1683-1711 par Eusebio Francisco Kino
The Hitch-Hiker [1953 film] par Ida Lupino
Magico Vento - Guerre Apache n. 3: Né pace né amore par Gianfranco Manfredi
Man of the Hour par Tate McKenna
Mexico The White and Green Seal Issues of Sonora par LINN George Ward
Las misiones de Sonora y Arizona par Eusebio Francisco Kino
Méridien de sang par Cormac McCarthy
National Geographic Magazine 1955 v107 #2 February par John Oliver La Gorce
New trails in Mexico : an account of one year's exploration in north-western Sonora, Mexico, and south-western Arizona, 1909-1910 par Carl Lumholtz
On the trail of a Spanish pioneer; the diary and itinerary of Francisco Garces (missionary priest) in his travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1775-1776; translated from an official contemporaneous copy of the original Spanish manscript, and ed., with copious critical notes. par Elliott Coues
The Opatas: In Search of a Sonoran People (Southwest Center Series) par David A. Yetman
Plantæ novæ thurberianæ: the characters of some new genera and species of plants in a collection made by George Thurber ... chiefly in New Mexico and Sonora par Asa Gray
The reptiles of western North America, an account of the species known to inhabit California and Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, British Columbia, Sonora and Lower California par John Van Denburgh
Scattered Round Stones: A Mayo Village in Sonora, Mexico (University of Arizona Southwest Center Series) par David Yetman
Snowbound par Blake Crouch
Sonora: An Intimate Geography (University of Arizona Southwest Centre) par David Yetman
Tales from la Vida: A Latinx Comics Anthology (Latinographix) par Frederick Luis Aldama
Tex n. 743: Nel deserto di Altar par Mauro Boselli
Tex n. 744: Il trionfo di Mefisto par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 50: Il passato di Cochise par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 51: Scalphunters par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 52: Sentiero di guerra par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 53: Nel covo di Don Santiago par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 54: Missione di sangue par Mauro Boselli
Tex Willer n. 55: Assedio disperato par Mauro Boselli
Der Waldläufer par Karl May
Where the Desert Meets the Sea: A Trader in the Land of the Seri Indians par David Yetman
ʾOʾodham Place Names : Meanings, Origins, and Histories Arizona and Sonora par Jr. Harry J. Winters