SériesThe Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism

3 Œuvres Popularité 65,848 (58 Membres) 94 Livres 1 Critique 4.4


alpha(2) and ends at the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Volume 2(1) and only those truly interested in a comprehensive exposition of apocalypticism will find treasures in this great work. There is nothing here for the fans of UFOs(1) and Roman folk religions(1) and thought. Although the articles are surprisingly readable for an academic text(1) apocalyptic(4) apocalypticism(16) Apocrypha(3) auto(2) begins with the apocalypticism in early Christian theology (100 C.E.) and concludes with discussions of apocalyptic influences in medieval and renaissance literature (up to 1800 C.E.). Of special interest are the articles by Roberto Rusconi on the Antichr(1) Biblical Studies(3) bibnt(1) both works relevant to anyone interested in biblical Armageddon. Volume 3(1) Christianity(4) covers the beginnings of apocalypticism in the ancient Near East(1) ebook(3) edited by Collins (Univ. of Chicago)(1) edited by McGinn (Univ. of Chicago)(1) edited by Stein (Indiana Univ.)(1) encyclopedia(4) Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism (3 Vols.)(1) Eschatology(9) especially theological ones. COVER TYPE: Soft(1) Europe(2) history(3) HP-IJList(2) Judaism(4) moves through early Judaism(1) multiple authors(3) mysticism(2) one can expect a demand for books relating to the apocalypse. This multivolume set(1) or the re-emergence of Atlantis or Mu. Strongly recommended for academic libraries(1) OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: G6 DESCRIPTION: As the millennium approaches(1) p2012(3) politics(2) Pseudepigrapha(2) reference(2) religion(9) Religion Apocalyptism(3) religious history(3) Renaissance(2) REV apocalyptic(1) science(2) Sitting Room North 1(3) Special OT Studies(1) such limiting was necessary to present this topic in an accessible manner. The three volumes comprise articles written by noted scholars of religious studies and literary criticism. Volume 1(1) th-c(2) Vernon Robbins(1) will disappoint the casual reader and utterly delight the serious scholar. Though it focuses narrowly on Judaism and Christianity(1) with a few articles on Islam and scattered mentionings of Persian(1)

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