Critiques en avant-première

Venice NoirAperçu
Venice Noir
Maxim Jakubowski (Editor, Contribution by), Peter James (Contribution by), Emily Mandel (Contribution by), Barbara Baraldi (Contribution by), Mike Hodges (Contribution by), Mary Hoffman (Contribution by), Maria Tronca (Contribution by), Matteo Righetto (Contribution by), Tony Cartano (Contribution by), Francesco Ferracin (Contribution by), Isabella Santacroce (Contribution by), Michelle Lovric (Contribution by), Francesca Mazzucato (Contribution by), Michael Gregorio (Contribution by)
Séries: Akashic Noir
Venice, Italy, behind the tourist veil, is revealed and dissected Original stories by: Peter James, Emily St. John Mandel, Barbara Baraldi, Mike Hodges, Mary Hoffman, Maria Tronca, Matteo Righetto, Tony Cartano, Francesco Ferracin, Isabella Santacroce, Michelle Lovric, Francesca Mazzucato, Maxim Jakubowski, and Michael Gregorio. Launched with the summer '04 award-winning best seller Brooklyn Noir, Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies. Each book is comprised of all-new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the geographical area of the book. VENICE IS ONE OF THE WORLD'S most famous cities and an obligatory tourist destination. Now, for the first time, we look beyond the teeming canals and the crumbling palazzos to see the darkness at the heart of La Serenissima, the reality behind the postcards, and a city historically associated with both commerce and death comes to life in tales of treachery, crime, and lost souls, inhabited by locals and visitors alike. VENTURING BEYOND ST. MARK'S PLACE, the Doges Palace, the Rialto Bridge and all across the still but deadly waters of the lagoon, stories from writers from all corners of the globe evoke the magic, the decay, and the beauty and despair of a city that has always fascinated its hordes of visitors. A dizzy waltz of sun and noir between the countless bridges, gondolas, and historical landmarks will mean you will never think of Venice in the same way again. MAXIM JAKUBOWSKI is a British editor and writer. Following a long career in book publishing, during which he was responsible for several major crime imprints, he opened London's mystery bookshop Murder One. He reviews crime fiction for the Guardian, runs London's Crime Scene Festival, and is an advisor to Italy's annual Courmayeur Noir in Festival. His latest crime novel is Confessions of a Romantic Pornographer, and he edits the annual Best British Mysteries series. He was coeditor, with Chiara Stangalino, of Rome Noir.
Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Akashic Books (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: johannaingalls)
April 2012
Débute: 2012-04-02
Terminé: 2012-04-30
En vente
Canada, États-Unis
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