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The Hunting Sketches Bk.1: My Neighbour Radilov and Other StoriesAperçu
The Hunting Sketches Bk.1: My Neighbour Radilov and Other Stories
Séries: Hunting Sketches (1)
The first major writing by Turgenev that gained him recognition. The stories in this collection were written based on Turgenev's own observations while hunting at his mother’s estate. This work exposed many injustices of serfdom and led to Turgenev’s house arrest and eventual abolishment of serfdom in Russia. A fine example of realist tradition in Russian literature. Read in English (unabridged) Turgenev was an enthusiastic hunter; and it was his experiences in the woods of his native province that supplied the material for The Hunting Sketches. They are written from the point of view of a young nobleman who is surprised to find the qualities of intelligence and morality among the peasants who live on his family's estates. Turgenev wrote many novels on this theme to stress his sentiments against serfdom. In his famous novel, Fathers and Sons, he showed the conflict between the older generation, who respect tradition, and the youth, who are Nihilists, relying heavily on materialism, faith in science, and lack of respect for tradition and authority. "A nihilist is a man who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take any principle on trust, no matter with what respect that principle is surrounded." Track List: My Neighbour Radilov 01 Nobleman's Nest 02 A Man of Mystery Proprietor Ovsyanikov 03 The Portrait 04 The Great Hunt 05 The New Nobility 06 My Own Nephew 07 A French Affair From The Hunting Sketches: "Often the most insignificant things produce more effect on people than the most important" "In people who are constantly and intensely preoccupied with one idea, or one emotion, there is something in common, a kind of external resemblance in manner, however different may be their qualities, their abilities, their position in society, and their education" "It is always like that; those who can only just keep themselves afloat are the ones to drag others under" "The lower your station, the more reserved must be your behaviour, or else you disgrace yourself directly"
Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Sovereign (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: PDSA)
March 2011
Débute: 2011-03-07
Terminé: 2011-03-28
En vente
Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Australie, Canada, Espagne, France, Grèce, Irlande (pays), Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni, Russie, Singapour, Suisse, États-Unis
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19 a critiqué, 8 marked received, 1 marked not received
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