Critiques en avant-première

Gray Hawk of Terrapin
Moss Whelan, Rahiem Brooks (Directeur de publication)
Opening with great reviews, Moss draws readers into his fantasy world of Terrapin with witty, quirky narration and quotes, sure to delight. YA/Fantasy Gray Hawk of Terrapin is a heart-wrenching Y/A fantasy by Moss Whelan that introduces Melanie (Mool) Thames. Ever since her father’s death, Mool has been talking with an imaginary green lion named Inberl. When Mool’s mysterious uncle gets sick, she and her mother take the train from Vancouver, Canada to the inner world of Terrapin, where Inberl is arrested because he’s looking for Gray Hawk. Springing into action, Mool sets out to rescue Inberl. Mool’s know-it-all cousin, Olga, helps track down family friend Parshmander who might know how to save Inberl. They corner Parshmander at home, where they overhear mention of Gray Hawk, but the girls are captured and interrogated. Upon release, Mool feels success when she sees a secret map, finds a hidden bridge and crosses it with Olga. On the other side of the bridge, they find a secret city that keeps Terrapin at war. Prepare yourself for a wrenching journey laced with evil, chronicling histories of cruelty, kidnapping, and false imprisonment in search of meaning and justice.
Fantasy, Teen, Tween, Fiction and Literature
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Prodigy Gold Books (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: ProdigyGold)
April 2018
Débute: 2018-04-02
Terminé: 2018-04-30
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