Critiques en avant-première

Tell Me How This Ends WellAperçu
Tell Me How This Ends Well
An ambitious, gripping, darkly funny family drama about the reckoning of three adult siblings with their profoundly flawed parents, set during Passover in a near-future America rife with anti-Semitism and terror, from an award-winning short-story writer In 2022, Jewish Americans face an increasingly unsafe landscape. A flood of Israeli refugees into the country has brought deep hostilities and latent anti-Semitism to the forefront of American life. Amid this fraught climate, the Jacobson family gathers in Los Angeles for Passover, reuniting from around the world for the first time in years. But despite the backdrop of increased intolerance and terror, their immediate problems seem to be more personal than political. The family is coming apart at the seams and the three adult children, Mo, Edith, and Jacob, find themselves in various states of crisis, the result, each claims, of a lifetime of mistreatment by their hateful, undermining father, Julian. The Jacobson offspring have begun to suspect that Julian is hastening their mother Roz's demise, and years of resentment reach a climax as the siblings debate whether they will go through with the real reason for their reunion: an ill-considered plot to murder their father and end his iron rule once and for all. That is, if they can put their bickering, grudges, festering relationships with their partners, and distrust of one another to the side long enough to act. And God help them if their mother finds out . .
General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Crown Publishing (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: CrownPublishing)
March 2017
Débute: 2017-03-06
Terminé: 2017-03-27
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