Critiques en avant-première

Big Bona Ogles, Boy!
Send For Octavius Guy #3: Octavius Guy and the Case of the Mendacious Medium London, 1852. Christmas is coming, and yet surely Mr Crabbit—yes, he who rules over the petty cash at Mr Bruff’s law practice—cannot be so distracted by its approach that he fails to berate young Gooseberry for presenting him with a water-stained receipt! Something is clearly amiss, and the Victorian boy detective vows to find out what. Join Octavius (AKA Gooseberry, AKA Octopus) and his ragtag bunch of friends as they investigate a shadowy spiritualist medium recently arrived from Massachusetts, only to discover that somebody desperately wants her dead. Five-star praise for Send For Octavius Guy #2 from LTER: “Pour some tea or a wee dram, put your feet up, and enjoy cover to cover.”—Gladread. “To me, it reads like an old time radio show. It leaves you breathless.”—Connie A. “A masterpiece of misdirection and layers of creative storytelling.”—Dogsmom. “Did I solve the puzzle - no, but I enjoyed every minute of Octopus’s investigations.”—LizzieKillin. Published by Seventh Rainbow, London. Available as an ebook only. A stand-alone novel, though some prior knowledge would be valuable. Winners will be emailed a coupon code redeemable throughout December at in a full range of formats. Follow Octavius Guy on Twitter @sendforOctavius. For secret insights into his life and his cases, read his 1852 diary in real time—from now until January—as the events in the novel unfold.
Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Seventh Rainbow Publishing (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: Malane)
November 2016
Débute: 2016-11-07
Terminé: 2016-11-28
En vente
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