Critiques en avant-première

Our Man in CharlestonAperçu
Our Man in Charleston
As tension in the United States over slavery and western expansion threatened to break into civil war, the Southern states found themselves squeezed between two nearly irreconcilable realities: The survival of the Confederate economy would require the importation of more slaves, a practice banned in America since 1807. But the existence of the Confederacy itself could not be secured without official recognition from Great Britain, who would never countenance reopening the Atlantic slave trade. How, then, could the first be achieved without dooming the possibility of the second? The South believed Britain would never risk losing the massive flow of cotton that fed British mills, and hoped this economic leverage would give it the bargaining chip it desperately sought. The unlikely man at the roiling center of this intrigue was Robert Bunch, an American-born Englishman who had maneuvered his way to the position of British consul in Charleston, South Carolina, and grew to loathe slavery and the righteousness of its practitioners. He used his unique perch and boundless ambition to become a key player, sending reams of dispatches to the home government and eventually becoming the Crown's best secret source on the Confederacy. Doing so required living a double life. To his Charleston neighbors, Bunch was increasingly a pillar of Southern society. To the British government, though, he was a strident abolitionist, eviscerating Southern dissembling of plans regarding the slave trade. In this masterfully told story of an unknown crusader, Christopher Dickey locates Consul Bunch as the key figure among Englishmen in America, determined to ensure the triumph of morality in the inevitable march to civil war. Featuring a cast of remarkable characters, Our Man in Charleston captures a decisive moment in Anglo-American history: the pitched battle between those who wished to reopen the floodgates of bondage and misery, and those who wished to dam the tide forever.
Biography & Memoir, History, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
Offert par
Crown Publishing (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: CrownPublishing)
June 2016
Débute: 2016-06-06
Terminé: 2016-06-27
En vente
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