Critiques en avant-première

Antonia Lively Breaks the SilenceAperçu
Antonia Lively Breaks the Silence
Catherine Strayed is living a quiet, un-
remarkable life in a secluded college town following the mysterious death of her husband, a promising writer whose death may have been an accident, a suicide, or perhaps even a murder. When her former mentor (and onetime lover)—a powerful critic who singlehandedly destroyed her late husband’s chance for success—takes a teaching job at the college, Catherine’s world threatens to collapse. For with him has come his latest protégé, an exotic young woman named Antonia Lively. Antonia’s debut novel has become a literary sensation—but it is, in fact, an almost factual retelling of 
a terrible crime that she relates without 
any concern for the impact its publication will have on the lives of those involved. As Antonia insinuates herself into Catherine’s life, mysterious and frightening things start to happen, because unbeknownst to Catherine, the younger woman intends to plunder her own dark, regrettable past—and the unsolved death of her husband—for her next literary triumph. Provocative and cunning, Antonia Lively Breaks the Silence asserts that fiction is never truly fictional and asks, What does stealing another’s life do to your soul? Levinson spins a tale of surprises, peeling back one revelation only to find another in this tightly wrought, wickedly cynical look at the worlds of academia, publishing, and celebrity.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offert par
Algonquin Books (Éditeur(-trice))
(User: debra_linn)
May 2013
Débute: 2013-05-06
Terminé: 2013-05-27
En vente
Canada, États-Unis
Information de l'éditeurPage de l'oeuvre LibraryThing
20 a critiqué, 3 marked received, 1 marked not received
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