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A propos de l'auteur

Safiya Umoja Noble is Assistant Professor of Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the co-editor of The Intersectional Internet Race, Sex, Class, and Culture Online and Emotions, Technology, and Design.

Œuvres de Safiya Umoja Noble

Oeuvres associées

Your Computer Is on Fire (2021) — Contributeur — 58 exemplaires


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Apparently I forgot to review this but I remember I liked it for how much I learned from it.
TraSea | 14 autres critiques | May 6, 2024 |
A needed book, though be aware that this is very much an academic book (I'm from the STEM side of things, but I'm dimly aware that humanities publish books not papers) and occasionally reads like a grant proposal ("In this work, I show that...")

Noble's thesis is that we port our biases into our technology and information systems, and though the promise of the internet is democracy, in practice it is driven by advertisers gaming the system with AdWords, hyperlinking, etc. We'd like to think Google is rad for all the free tools, but a business needs to make money, and we are the product.

I do feel this could've dug deeper- there were a lot of "my work demonstrates..." sentences and I expected qualitative data, but I recognize that's my own STEMy expectations. Noble does highlight further places that can be built on this preliminary look at SEO and systemic biases (in particular, the influence of pornography on various web things like streaming and e-commerce) but I'm left wanting more.
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Daumari | 14 autres critiques | Dec 28, 2023 |
Como o Google fomenta e lucra com o racismo

Pesquise no Google por “garotas negras”: o que você encontra? Termos sexualmente explícitos provavelmente aparecerão como os principais resultados. Mas, se você digitar “garotas brancas”, os resultados serão radicalmente diferentes. Os sites pornográficos sugeridos e frases como “por que as mulheres negras são tão atrevidas?” ou “por que as mulheres negras são tão zangadas?” apresentam um retrato perturbador da feminilidade negra na sociedade moderna.

Em Algoritmos de Opressão, Safiya Umoja Noble desafia a ideia de que mecanismos de pesquisa como o Google oferecem igualdade de condições para todas as formas de ideias, identidades e atividades. A discriminação de dados é um problema social real; Safiya Noble argumenta que a combinação de interesses privados na promoção de certos sites, juntamente com o status de monopólio de um número relativamente pequeno de mecanismos de pesquisa na internet, leva a um conjunto tendencioso de algoritmos de busca que discriminam pessoas negras, especificamente mulheres.

Através de análises textuais e de mídia, bem como de uma extensa pesquisa sobre publicidade on-line, a autora expõe uma cultura de racismo e sexismo. À medida que os mecanismos de pesquisa e suas empresas crescem em importância, operando inclusive como um importante veículo para o aprendizado do ensino fundamental e médio, a compreensão e reversão dessas tendências inquietantes e práticas discriminatórias é de extrema importância.

Um relato original, surpreendente e perturbador do preconceito na internet.
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Twerp1231 | 14 autres critiques | Oct 14, 2023 |
Rating: 4.5* of five

The Publisher Says: Run a Google search for "black girls" - what will you find? "Big Booty" and other sexually explicit terms are likely to come up as top search terms. But, if you type in "white girls," the results are radically different. The suggested porn sites and un-moderated discussions about "why black women are so sassy" or "why black women are so angry" presents a disturbing portrait of black womanhood in modern society.

In Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Umoja Noble challenges the idea that search engines like Google offer an equal playing field for all forms of ideas, identities, and activities. Data discrimination is a real social problem; Noble argues that the combination of private interests in promoting certain sites, along with the monopoly status of a relatively small number of Internet search engines, leads to a biased set of search algorithms that privilege whiteness and discriminate against people of color, specifically women of color.

Through an analysis of textual and media searches as well as extensive research on paid online advertising, Noble exposes a culture of racism and sexism in the way discoverability is created online. As search engines and their related companies grow in importance - operating as a source for email, a major vehicle for primary and secondary school learning, and beyond - understanding and reversing these disquieting trends and discriminatory practices is of utmost importance.

An original, surprising and, at times, disturbing account of bias on the internet, Algorithms of Oppression contributes to our understanding of how racism is created, maintained, and disseminated in the 21st century.


My Review
: The world, as the Internet has shaped it, took a promise of information access and educational opportunity unparalleled in human history and screwed it up to the point it reinforces the evils and stupidities it could so easily have alleviated.

The problem, it transpires, is both blindness..."*I* am no racist, or a sexist! Why, some of my best friends..." is not new, nor is it uncommon in any society...and neither is hubristic malevolence (Cambridge Analytica, for example). We're two decades in to a giant, uncontrolled social experiment. Voices like Author Noble's are still notable for their infrequence of prominence in the rarefied world of Congressional hearings and the European Union's creation of the GDPR.

The issues that Author Noble raises in this book need your attention. You, the searcher, are the product that Google and the other search engines are selling to earn their absurd, unconscionable, inadequately taxed profits. Every time you log on to the internet, Google knows...use other search engines, never click on any links, and Google still knows you're there. That's the Orwellian nightmare of East Germany's Stasi, they're everywhere, in every website you visit. Unlike the Stasi, they are possessed of the capacity to quantify and analyze all the information you generate, and sell it to anyone who can use it. For you or against you, as long as the check clears, Google and its brethren couldn't care less.

(There are links to information sources in the blogged version of this review at Expendable Mudge Muses Aloud.)
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richardderus | 14 autres critiques | Apr 24, 2022 |

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