John Ross (désambigüisation)

"John Ross" est composé d'au moins 28 auteurs distincts, divisés selon leurs œuvres.

A propos de l'auteur

Division des auteurs

John Ross (30)

Doctor Who Annual 2006 (2005) — Illustrateur — 82 exemplaires
Oblivion (2006) — Illustrateur — 56 exemplaires
The Flood (2007) — Illustrateur — 48 exemplaires
Doctor Who: The Official Annual 2017 (2016) — Illustrateur — 30 exemplaires
The Widow's Curse (2009) — Illustrateur — 29 exemplaires
The Cruel Sea (2014) — Illustrateur — 27 exemplaires
The Highgate Horror (2016) — Illustrateur — 18 exemplaires
The Clockwise War (2019) — Illustrateur — 17 exemplaires
Doorway to Hell (2017) — Illustrateur — 13 exemplaires
Mistress of Chaos (2020) — Illustrateur — 9 exemplaires
Death's Head: Freelance Peacekeeping Agent (2020) — Illustrateur — 8 exemplaires

John Ross (1)

Unintended Consequences (1996) 182 exemplaires

John Ross (24)

The Recruiting Officer (1965) — Directeur de publication, quelques éditions130 exemplaires

John Ross (11)

Beautiful Australia (1970) 8 exemplaires
AUSTRALIEN (1978) 7 exemplaires
The Northern Territory in Colour (1971) 2 exemplaires

John Ross (inconnu)

The Mammoth Book of Travel in Dangerous Places (1991) — Contributeur — 176 exemplaires
Riddles of the Sphinx (1874) — Photographe — 73 exemplaires
The Boat Beneath the Pyramid: King Cheops' Royal Ship (1980) — Photographe, quelques éditions61 exemplaires
Passover: The Festival of Freedom (1960) — Illustrateur — 55 exemplaires
Chanuko: The Festival of Lights (1960) — Illustrateur — 47 exemplaires
Sukos and Simchas Torah: Festivals of Thanksgiving (1961) — Illustrateur — 43 exemplaires
Shovuos: The Birthday of the Torah (1961) — Illustrateur — 43 exemplaires
The Sabbath: A Day of Delight (1960) — Illustrateur — 41 exemplaires
Rosh Ha-Shono / Yom Kippur: The High Holy Days (1961) — Illustrateur — 35 exemplaires
Tu Bi-Shʹvot: The New Year's Day for Trees (1961) — Illustrateur — 33 exemplaires
Purim: A Joyous Holiday (1960) — Illustrateur — 33 exemplaires
Pop Art: The Videos (2003) — Photographe — 8 exemplaires
A Way of Knowing: A Collection of Poems for Boys (1959) — Illustrateur — 6 exemplaires
Rags to Destiny 1 exemplaire
Soutine 1 exemplaire
Tasmania in colour (1971) 1 exemplaire
Shadows Of The Dead 1 exemplaire
Puppy Preschool 1 exemplaire
Grimcutty 1 exemplaire

Partage des connaissances

Notice de désambigüisation
1) Ross, John, 1957- Unintended consequences
2) John Ross; b. Sept. 25, 1921, New York, N.Y. - The complete printmaker
3) Ross, John, 1938 Mar. 11- 2011 Jan 17 The war against oblivion
4) Ross, John F. The Smithsonian guides to natural America
5) Ross, John, 1947- The book of wireless
6) John Ross of Danbury, Conn. - Dog Talk
7) Ross, John A. (John Allan), 1955- Howard W. Sams guide to satellite TV technology
8) Ross, John, 1946- Trout Unlimited's guide to America's 100 best trout streams
9) Ross, John (John Elton), 1926- Prairie time
10) Ross, John, 1842-1915. The origin of the Chinese people
11) Ross, John, fl. 1970- Beautiful Australia in colour
12) Ross, John, 1719-1792. A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
15) Ross, John 1938- Ensemble
16) (Ross, John, 1938 Sept. 19- ) (a journalist, editor, and publisher) Chronicle of Australia
17) John ROSS, F.S.A. Land of the Gael
19) Ross, John 1790-1866 Memorial of John Ross
20) John ROSS, of Brown University - Molecular Beams
21) John Ross of the North Fork of Long Island - The Food and Wine of the North Fork
22) John Ross - Change is Power
23) Ross, John J. (John James), 1966- Orwell's Cough
24) Ross, John 1938 June 27- edited The Recruiting Officer
25) Ross, John 1968- Formosan Odyssey
26) John Ross - Lease-Purchase America
27) Ross, John 1873 or 1874- Poems of Love and Laughter
28) Ross, John 1926- Chemistry
29) John Ross Thatcher and Friends
30) Scottish comics illustrator