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Edmond Manning

Auteur de King Perry

13+ oeuvres 148 utilisateurs 19 critiques 1 Favoris

A propos de l'auteur


Œuvres de Edmond Manning

King Perry (2012) 48 exemplaires, 5 critiques
Broken Phoenix 30 exemplaires, 7 critiques
King Mai (2013) 18 exemplaires, 1 critique
Love Like the Medici 8 exemplaires, 1 critique
Come Back To Me (2016) 8 exemplaires
Filthy Acquisitions (2014) 7 exemplaires
King John (2015) 6 exemplaires, 1 critique
The Butterfly King (2014) 6 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Men of Honor (Anthology 7-in-1) (2013) — Contributeur — 4 exemplaires, 1 critique
King Daniel (2017) 2 exemplaires, 1 critique

Oeuvres associées

A Taste of Honey: a Dreamspinner Press Anthology (2014) — Contributeur — 17 exemplaires, 4 critiques


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Reviewed on Hearts On Fire..

I think that this may be the best book that I've read this year and I would give it six stars if I could. For those who read Mr. Manning's first book, King Perry, this book far surpasses its predecessor. King Perry spent a lot of time introducing Vin Vably, the Found King maker. In King Mai we get to see Vin weave his magical and often mind numbing manipulating of people. Vin Vably is a manipulating bastard using everything at his disposal to crown his Found King and that is meant as a compliment.
King Mai introduces us to Mai Kearns, a young loner living in DeKald, IL. and helping to work his family's soon to be foreclosed on farm. He loves farming but has never fit into DeKalb or it's farming community. His first and only love left him alone and somehow Mai lost his zest for life. He has been chatting online with Vin Vably for six months in an AO chat room. Vin offers Kai a King weekend and Mai accepts. We are taken on a wild ride over a weekend of deception, manipulation, laughs, love and some outright lies as Vin tries to crown the Found King of Curiosity.
This is not a romance story even though Vin and the angry, frustrated Mai love each other. It is a beautifully written story of self-rediscovery that had me laughing and crying at its sweet perfection. Written from Vin's POV, the story flows extremely well even with all of Vin's crazy stories and antics. I in awe of the way Mr. Manning pulled emotions from me so easily. At least it seemed easy to me as the reader. I was touched at how much love, hard work and planning Vin put into making Mai's weekend a success. The mantra "I Love The Corn" brought a smile to my face as Mai ever so slowly fell under Vin's spell. The story is an easy almost lyrical read that I couldn't put down once I started it. The unique HEA ending blew me away and left me with tears of happiness filling my eyes. It would help a new reader to read King Perry first but I do not believe that it is entirely necessary. I can guarantee though that after reading King Mai you will want to read King Perry. I cannot recommend this feel good book strongly enough.
… (plus d'informations)
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Edmond Manning writes his own story across the sky in this excellent story. Gio and Edgar are amazing characters with real depth. I love Gio's attitude toward books and his ability to get drunk on Diet Mountain Dew. The story is just fun to read with the differences from Earth which seemed boring. If you haven't had a chance to read Manning's King Perry or King Mai, find the time.
Connorz | 6 autres critiques | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was a tough King book to read especially in light of all the violence lately. It was also difficult for me to see Vin making so many mistakes during this king weekend. This was not the Vin that I have come to know and love. Being originally from the New York metropolitan area, I enjoyed the true New York that Mr. Manning showed me. I believe that the use of Peter Bryce's diary and severe prejudice was a wake up call to all people. Terrance jumped right to the conclusion that Bryce hated blacks when in fact Bryce hated the Irish. Every ethnic group in the United States has been despised and reviled at one time. The Found Kings learned from this. At first I was angry at Rance's pronouncement for Vin but I can to understand that our wonderful lost king needed to spread his wings and gain the confidence he needs to carry out his mission. New York was no longer new enough for Vin and what Rance did was out of pure love. A powerful story for the times even though it brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Edmond.… (plus d'informations)
Connorz | 1 autre critique | Jan 4, 2023 |
dnf @ 44% (the Duck Parade)

I'm sorry — I tried. I really, really tried, but this book is just too fucking weird for me (!!). If I feel this exhausted after not even making it halfway through? I’d probably keel over before ever finishing it.
claudiereads | 4 autres critiques | Nov 25, 2022 |

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