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Hancock's Half Hour, the Very Best Episodes (Radio Collection)

par Alan Simpson

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In the first of their quartet of classics, Sid's Mystery Tours, Sid talks Hancock into becoming the director of his guided tours company - but it doesn't even possess a coach. The Wild Man of the Woods shows Hancock's desire to get away from it all. It leads him to camp first in a bus shelter on Clapham Common, and then in a bit of forest rented from Sid. 23 Railway Cuttings is a scene of boredom and inactivity as the occupants try to while away a British Sabbath in Sunday Afternoon at Home, whereas, in The Poetry Society, an evening with a group of Hancock's new avant-garde friends produces gems of abstract poetry, not only from the group but also from Sid and Bill. Featuring a star cast that includes Sid James, Bill Kerr, Warren Mitchell, Kenneth Williams, Hattie Jacques and Fenella Fielding, these are four very special episodes which show the master of misery at his very best, as chosen by Galton and Simpson, the masters of mirth. 2 CDs. 2 hrs.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parRSi, Tanngrisnir, K.L.Parkes, dughud

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In the first of their quartet of classics, Sid's Mystery Tours, Sid talks Hancock into becoming the director of his guided tours company - but it doesn't even possess a coach. The Wild Man of the Woods shows Hancock's desire to get away from it all. It leads him to camp first in a bus shelter on Clapham Common, and then in a bit of forest rented from Sid. 23 Railway Cuttings is a scene of boredom and inactivity as the occupants try to while away a British Sabbath in Sunday Afternoon at Home, whereas, in The Poetry Society, an evening with a group of Hancock's new avant-garde friends produces gems of abstract poetry, not only from the group but also from Sid and Bill. Featuring a star cast that includes Sid James, Bill Kerr, Warren Mitchell, Kenneth Williams, Hattie Jacques and Fenella Fielding, these are four very special episodes which show the master of misery at his very best, as chosen by Galton and Simpson, the masters of mirth. 2 CDs. 2 hrs.

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