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To Teach as Jesus Taught: 11 Attributes of a Master Teacher

par Thomas A. Wayment

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And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. Exodus 18:20Thomas A. Wayment shares his expertise as a seasoned educator and reveals the fail-safe methods that have made him the successful teacher he is today. By focusing on 11 attributes of Jesus teaching style, he will show you how to effectively teach using the following tools: Understanding Proverbs the Spirit Stories Scriptures Prayer Humility Empathy Humor and Irony Handling Challenges CompassionThrough his teachings and exemplary life, Jesus Christ touched the lives of billions of people. Author Thomas A. Wayment looks at Jesus in a new perspective from the eyes of those he taught. to Teach as Jesus Taught will bring confidence to even the most inexperienced instructor and will forever change the lives of those he teaches!… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parglodixon

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And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt shew them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. Exodus 18:20Thomas A. Wayment shares his expertise as a seasoned educator and reveals the fail-safe methods that have made him the successful teacher he is today. By focusing on 11 attributes of Jesus teaching style, he will show you how to effectively teach using the following tools: Understanding Proverbs the Spirit Stories Scriptures Prayer Humility Empathy Humor and Irony Handling Challenges CompassionThrough his teachings and exemplary life, Jesus Christ touched the lives of billions of people. Author Thomas A. Wayment looks at Jesus in a new perspective from the eyes of those he taught. to Teach as Jesus Taught will bring confidence to even the most inexperienced instructor and will forever change the lives of those he teaches!

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