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Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre…

Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre (original 2010; édition 2010)

par Brett L. Markham (Auteur)

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617339,707 (3.71)5
Mini Farming describes a holistic approach to small-area farming that will show you how to produce 85 percent of an average family's food on just a quarter acre -- and earn $10,000 in cash annually while spending less than half the time that an ordinary job would require. Even if you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started: buying and saving seeds, starting seedlings, establishing raised beds, soil fertility practices, composting, pest and disease problems, crop rotation, farm planning, and much more. Because self-sufficiency is the objective, subjects such as raising backyard chickens and home canning are also covered. Materials, tools, and techniques are detailed with photographs, tables, diagrams, and illustrations. - Publisher.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre
Auteurs:Brett L. Markham (Auteur)
Info:Skyhorse Publishing (2010), 240 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture

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Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre par Brett L. Markham (2010)


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Borrowed this from the local library (Markham is a local farmer/author). It was so well researched and written that I went to the local bookstore and picked up a copy of his expanded _Mini Farming Bible_, which includes this book, _Maximizing Your Mini Farm_ and other writings. ( )
  bobholt | Dec 3, 2017 |
I found this book much less satisfying than others of its type (Backyard Homestead and The New Self-Sufficient Gardener are better). The chapters were basically an outline of what should be covered, but the coverage of various topics, from compost to accounting, often left a lot to be desired. The thing which sets this book apart from others is its focus on the economics of mini-farming. The back cover says that this book: "will show you how to produce 85 percent of an average family's food on just one-quarter acre -- and earn $10,000 in cash annually." It failed to deliver on that promise. The author leaves a lot out when calculating the average family's food consumption, and the section on making money boiled down to, "Yes, you can do it! Look at these numbers." I don't get the sense that the author has done this himself, or that he has much business sense.

This book has a lot of big pictures which mostly take up space, to make the book seem longer. There are also some interesting and useful charts, and I did find the author's economic calculations interesting and fun to read, but I don't think they're particularly useful. ( )
  Amelia_Smith | May 2, 2015 |
Covering materials found in many other gardening books. The value lies in chapters 15, 16 & 17 - raising chickens. Some very pertinant advice, especially on homemade equipment for housing the birds and processing the meat. Chicken tractor, killing cone and plucker. ( )
  2wonderY | Dec 19, 2012 |
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Dedicated to my father, Thomas J. Markham, the man I most admire and whose tenacity, resourcefulness, and optimism have always been a beacon in my life. His courage, moral leadership, boundless intellect, and helpfulness have aided uncountable people for decades and have undoubtedly changed the course of history.
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Home food production is an important proficiency that contributes positively to the physical and financial health of the family.
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Mini Farming describes a holistic approach to small-area farming that will show you how to produce 85 percent of an average family's food on just a quarter acre -- and earn $10,000 in cash annually while spending less than half the time that an ordinary job would require. Even if you have never been a farmer or a gardener, this book covers everything you need to know to get started: buying and saving seeds, starting seedlings, establishing raised beds, soil fertility practices, composting, pest and disease problems, crop rotation, farm planning, and much more. Because self-sufficiency is the objective, subjects such as raising backyard chickens and home canning are also covered. Materials, tools, and techniques are detailed with photographs, tables, diagrams, and illustrations. - Publisher.

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