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Ignatz (Stahlecker Selections) par Monica…

Ignatz (Stahlecker Selections) (édition 2010)

par Monica Youn (Auteur)

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312794,027 (3.67)12
MONICA YOUN is the author of another poetry collection, Barter. She is an attorney in the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law. She has been awarded poetry fellowships from the Library of Congress, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Stanford University. She lives in New York City.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Ignatz (Stahlecker Selections)
Auteurs:Monica Youn (Auteur)
Info:Four Way Books (2010), Edition: First Edition, 81 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Ignatz (Stahlecker Selections) par Monica Youn


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» Voir aussi les 12 mentions

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A collection inspired by the 1930s cartoon characters created by George Herriman, Krazy Kat and the mouse Ignatz, forever locked in a tortured and madcap love duel. Youn's second book of poems, a National Book Award finalist, investigate the meanderings and trickery of love and relationships, of belief and understanding/misunderstanding, of legend and how belief sustains and fools us, and with spare yet significant language. This collection feels solidly structured around the inspiration of those characters, and as such gives a sense of completeness, though some poems are mere words strung on the page. An impressive, elegant and stirring second book of poems.
  EugeniaKim | Aug 8, 2011 |
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Monica Youn’s second book of poems, Ignatz (the prize for our 2010 National Poetry Month Prompt Contest), is based on Ignatz Mouse from George Herriman’s comic strip Krazy Kat. I read the collection without prior knowledge of the comic strip, other then the basic synopsis that the cat loves the mouse, the mouse hates the cat, and the cat mistakes the mouse’s hate for love. Thus, the collection is presented as a series of unrequited love poems. The pieces often present an ambiguous and painful love, where the object of the love is never identified and never responds.

Youn’s language is lyrical and majestic, with images that evoke the highest ideals of love and quickly make the reader forget that the poems are rooted in comic strip characters. She does not hesitate to use romantic or archaic language, and modern references such as Amtrak and CEO come as a surprise when they appear. In “I-40 Ignatz”, the speaker describes the interstate with tanker trucks, stoplights, gas stations, and yet still embeds them in loftier images such as, “A cop car drowses / in the scrub / cottonwoods. Utmost.” What stands out the most throughout the collection is her use of distinctive imagery.
ajouté par kidzdoc | modifierLantern Review, Supriya (Apr 29, 2010)

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MONICA YOUN is the author of another poetry collection, Barter. She is an attorney in the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law. She has been awarded poetry fellowships from the Library of Congress, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Stanford University. She lives in New York City.

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