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Just Like Me, Only Better par Carol Snow

Just Like Me, Only Better (édition 2010)

par Carol Snow

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From the author of Here Today, Gone to Maui, the story of a woman who finally got a life...some else's. Ever since Veronica's husband found the love of his life-not her-she's been a walking zombie with runny mascara. It doesn't help that she keeps getting mistaken for Haley Rush-the Hollywood starlet whose dazzling life is plastered on every magazine. When Haley's manager offers Veronica a job as a celebrity double, it only takes a moment before she says yes. Veronica gets to drive Haley's car, wear her phenomenal clothes-and have fun with her hot celebrity boyfriend, Brady Ellis. Too bad the job's only part-time, and at the end of the day she has to return to her life as a cash-strapped substitute teacher and cub scout mom. But when real sparks fly with Brady, is it a fantasy come true or a disaster in disguise?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Just Like Me, Only Better
Auteurs:Carol Snow
Info:Berkley Trade (2010), Edition: Original, Paperback, 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Just Like Me, Only Better par Carol Snow


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When single-mom Veronica becomes a double for a Hollywood star, she thinks it is the answer to her prayers.She soon discovers the grass isn't always greener on the other side. ( )
  abcarroll | Jan 28, 2012 |
Just Like Me, Only Better is utterly delightful and perfect for light summer reading! Think the TV adaptation of The Starter Wife, only imagine the leading lady of middling years mistaken as the spitting image of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan. Carol Snow brings us a wonderfully amusing narrator with a rather heartbreaking post-divorce life who finds herself in a dream-come-true. Pay me (and take me shopping!) to just go out to dinner with a hot 20-something actor - who wouldn't seize that offer and run with it? ;) It was great to watch Veronica grow a backbone and gain back her self-respect from the characters who tried to bulldoze their way into her life.

This is a perfect chick lit read if you are in the mood for light and breezy laughter! :) ( )
  theepicrat | Nov 19, 2010 |
This book was FUNNY! I mean I had a feeling it would be funny because of the premise but Veronica, some of the things she said were just hilarious! I loved the idea of a regular down on her luck single-mother, going through a hard time after a divorce diving into the world of glitz and glam and pretending to be a celebrity. It never gets old, someone being thrown into a completely new situation.

And she sure meets some characters out in Hollywood from the actress she's being the body-double for to the hairdresser she swaps gossip with. The people she meets on her journey, they could easily be two-dimensional but the author writes them in such a way that they have some personality behind the cliche you would expect.

What I really liked about this book was that not only is it funny, it's rather heartfelt, watching Veronica process her divorce and seeing her ex-husband move on, she has to re-find her place in the world. Another great thing in this book is there is a bit of romance! And I thought who she ended up with was a nice surprise! I just would have wished for a bit more wrap up at the end of the book, it ended a bit too quickly for me! Overall a very fun book! ( )
  mint910 | Jul 18, 2010 |
Veronica Czaplicki is a single, divorced mom to Ben. By day, she’s a substitute teacher at her son’s school, hoping to find a permanent position there. By night, well… her life is pretty empty in that area until she meets Jay, Haley Rush’s manager.

Veronica knows she looks like celebrity Haley Rush as she’s mistaken for the star quite often. When Haley’s manager, Jay, offers her a position to be Haley’s stand-in (at $100 per hour!), how could she refuse? Veronica agrees to sign a confidentiality contract and just like that, she’s part of Haley’s life.

Everything starts off pretty well for Veronica. Going to Starbucks posing as Haley, eating Pinkberry yogurt, pretending to talk on her cell. As more demands are placed on her, Veronica finds it necessary to avoid friends in order to keep up this charade. When Veronica is asked to stand-in for Haley on a “date” with former boyfriend Brady Ellis, Veronica soon realizes the consequences for her decision.

Just Like Me, Only Better is a light, chick-lit read. Veronica is a very likable character. It’s easy for the reader to understand why she decided to accept this position. As Veronica gets more and more enmeshed with Haley’s life, her judgment tends to be a bit clouded, especially with Brady. Although the outcome of their relationship is predictable, Veronica is able to bounce back and find herself on a path to her happy ending.

Going on a summer vacation? Remember to pack Just Like Me, Only Better. It’s a good beach read for those lazy afternoons. ( )
  scoutlee | May 31, 2010 |
I loved this book and loved living through Veronica. She was living a fantasy that everybody dreams of living once. The best part is she realized that she didn't want that life or pretend to be somebody else. Why would she. The best part is there is a happy ending. How can you not love a book with a happy ending. I loved the divorce plot of the story and Ben is so adorable. I felt bad for her when she made some mistakes being her celebrity double that compromised her relationship with her son. I felt like she was starting to go on the wrong path. Luckily she fixed it. At times I was getting angry with her, but realized I would have probably been stupid enough to have done the same thing she did.

I thought this book was quirky and fun. ( )
  toryaslim822 | Apr 20, 2010 |
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For my brother and sisters, Tom Snow, Kim Snow, and Susy Snow Sullivan
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I remember the exact moment Haley Rush's fame reached its tipping point.
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From the author of Here Today, Gone to Maui, the story of a woman who finally got a life...some else's. Ever since Veronica's husband found the love of his life-not her-she's been a walking zombie with runny mascara. It doesn't help that she keeps getting mistaken for Haley Rush-the Hollywood starlet whose dazzling life is plastered on every magazine. When Haley's manager offers Veronica a job as a celebrity double, it only takes a moment before she says yes. Veronica gets to drive Haley's car, wear her phenomenal clothes-and have fun with her hot celebrity boyfriend, Brady Ellis. Too bad the job's only part-time, and at the end of the day she has to return to her life as a cash-strapped substitute teacher and cub scout mom. But when real sparks fly with Brady, is it a fantasy come true or a disaster in disguise?

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Carol Snow est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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