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The Spoken Word: Sylvia Plath (British Library - British Library Sound Archive)

par The British Library

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Sylvia Plath is widely regarded as one of the most influential American authors of the twentieth century. Her frank, confessional style of writing, combined with her marriage to fellow poet Ted Hughes and her tragic suicide at age thirty have created an enduring literacy legacy and public fascination. This CD brings together BBC recordings from the British Library Sound Archive and features Plath reading many of her poems, such as Leaving Early, Candles, Tulips, The Surgeon at 2 a.m., and Berck-Plage. In addition, the disc presents Plath discussing poetic craft and her move to Britain, as well as a significantly revealing interview with Plath and Hughes, in which they talk about their famous marriage and what it means to live with your muse. Many of these recordings are available here for the first time, and together they will be a must-have for fans of Plath and twentieth-century poetry."… (plus d'informations)

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Sylvia Plath is widely regarded as one of the most influential American authors of the twentieth century. Her frank, confessional style of writing, combined with her marriage to fellow poet Ted Hughes and her tragic suicide at age thirty have created an enduring literacy legacy and public fascination. This CD brings together BBC recordings from the British Library Sound Archive and features Plath reading many of her poems, such as Leaving Early, Candles, Tulips, The Surgeon at 2 a.m., and Berck-Plage. In addition, the disc presents Plath discussing poetic craft and her move to Britain, as well as a significantly revealing interview with Plath and Hughes, in which they talk about their famous marriage and what it means to live with your muse. Many of these recordings are available here for the first time, and together they will be a must-have for fans of Plath and twentieth-century poetry."

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