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The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator's Guide to Conflict Resolution

par Sandra I. Cheldelin

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Dealing with conflict is an evitable part of any academicadministrator?s job. Often, however, new administrators lackthe skills they need to successfully resolve campus conflicts. Thisimportant resource includes an array of strategies for identifyingand managing conflict between individuals, within a department, andbetween departments. The Jossey-Bass AcademicAdministrator?s Guide to Conflict Resolution shows how toturn conflicts into problems to be solved. Authors Sandra I.Cheldelin and Ann F. Lucas offer concrete approaches academicadministrators can use to analyze conflicts and design effectiveinterventions. The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator?sGuide to Conflict Resolution is an invaluable tool thatincludes · Guidelines for knowing when it is appropriate tointervene in a conflict · Strategies for helping to change irrational and negativethinking to positive rational thought · Methods for handling interpersonal conflict?betweentwo parties?within a department · An outline of the major approaches for managing conflictand information¾when they work and when they don?t · Effective strategies for preventing and solving specificproblems  … (plus d'informations)

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Dealing with conflict is an evitable part of any academicadministrator?s job. Often, however, new administrators lackthe skills they need to successfully resolve campus conflicts. Thisimportant resource includes an array of strategies for identifyingand managing conflict between individuals, within a department, andbetween departments. The Jossey-Bass AcademicAdministrator?s Guide to Conflict Resolution shows how toturn conflicts into problems to be solved. Authors Sandra I.Cheldelin and Ann F. Lucas offer concrete approaches academicadministrators can use to analyze conflicts and design effectiveinterventions. The Jossey-Bass Academic Administrator?sGuide to Conflict Resolution is an invaluable tool thatincludes · Guidelines for knowing when it is appropriate tointervene in a conflict · Strategies for helping to change irrational and negativethinking to positive rational thought · Methods for handling interpersonal conflict?betweentwo parties?within a department · An outline of the major approaches for managing conflictand information¾when they work and when they don?t · Effective strategies for preventing and solving specificproblems  

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