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The Red Queen (Cousins' War #2) par…

The Red Queen (Cousins' War #2) (édition 2012)

par Philippa Gregory

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,5841283,704 (3.59)146
Determined to see her son Henry on the throne of England, pious Margaret Beaufort arranges politically advantageous marriages, sends her son out of the country for his safety, and lays secret plans for a battle between the houses of York and Lancaster.
Titre:The Red Queen (Cousins' War #2)
Auteurs:Philippa Gregory
Info:Pocket Books (2012), Edition: Reprint, Mass Market Paperback, 464 pages
Collections:Already read

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The Red Queen par Philippa Gregory


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Totally unappealing first person narrator ruined what should have been an interesting slice of historical fiction. ( )
  Abcdarian | May 18, 2024 |
Historical Fiction
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
1453. Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry Tudor. HOuse of Lancaster. Pious. Fierce. Determined. Unwavering sense of destiny ruled by the will of God. If not a nun the Queen of England. Feigns loyalty to upserper King Richard III (Your). Masterminds great rebellion that leads to the murder of the Kin at the Battle of Bosworth. ( )
  suewilsonphd | Jan 14, 2024 |
Set in the time of the Tudors, Margaret Beaufort is married off at an early age and is a mother by the time she is 14. A headstrong and pious woman who believes she should take inspiration from Joan of Arc and that her son is the true and only heir to the throne. She does not care for the fact that she is to "wed, bed and breed" (i.e. the only reason for her existence is to have children to perpetuate the line). She feels thwarted at every turn that people cant recognise her piety, brains and wealth but doesnt recognise that many of the faults she sees in others are also significant faults in herself. [return][return]This does cover a large swathe of English history where the houses of York and Tudor are constantly fighting to rule the country. It's less than 400 pages long and part of a trilogy that presumably covers the same time from different angles. As a stand alone book it's reasonable if a little lightweight. However I dont know that if the three stories were brought together in the same book that it would necessarily work better - it certainly wouldnt be able to be written in the same voice ( )
  nordie | Oct 14, 2023 |
Set in the time of the Tudors, Margaret Beaufort is married off at an early age and is a mother by the time she is 14. A headstrong and pious woman who believes she should take inspiration from Joan of Arc and that her son is the true and only heir to the throne. She does not care for the fact that she is to "wed, bed and breed" (i.e. the only reason for her existence is to have children to perpetuate the line). She feels thwarted at every turn that people cant recognise her piety, brains and wealth but doesnt recognise that many of the faults she sees in others are also significant faults in herself. [return][return]This does cover a large swathe of English history where the houses of York and Tudor are constantly fighting to rule the country. It's less than 400 pages long and part of a trilogy that presumably covers the same time from different angles. As a stand alone book it's reasonable if a little lightweight. However I dont know that if the three stories were brought together in the same book that it would necessarily work better - it certainly wouldnt be able to be written in the same voice ( )
  nordie | Oct 14, 2023 |
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Philippa Gregoryauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Rawlins, PenelopeNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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For Anthony
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The light of the open sky is brilliant after the darkness of the inner rooms. I blink and hear the roar of many voices. But this is not my army calling for me, this whisper growing to a rumble is not their roar of attack, the drumming of their swords on shields. The rippling noise of linen in the wind is not my embroidered angels and lilies against the sky, but cursed English standards in the triumphant May breeze. This is a different sort of roar from our beloved hymns, this is a howl of people hungry for death: my death.
The light of the open sky is brilliant after the darkness of the inner rooms.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Determined to see her son Henry on the throne of England, pious Margaret Beaufort arranges politically advantageous marriages, sends her son out of the country for his safety, and lays secret plans for a battle between the houses of York and Lancaster.

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