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Gift of the Heart (1996)

par Miranda Jarrett

Séries: Les Sparhawks (8)

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Gift Of The Heart by Miranda Jarrett Rachel Sparhawk would not fail her heritage. But the snows were deep and the nights lonely - until Jamie Ryder arrived, bringing strength and joy into the hidden places of her heart... The warmth of hearth and home had long been denied Jamie Ryder. Now Rachel offered him refuge from the storms outside - and the war within. But he knew his dream of love and family could not withstand the nightmare of his past... The Secrets Of Catie Hazard by Miranda Jarrett Patriot Catie Hazard was a widow and owner of a respectable tavern. Major Anthony Sparhawk was the British officer charged with finding the rebel leaders. Together they must overcome a bitter past and conflicting loyalties to rediscover a lost love. A Gift Most Rare by Miranda Jarrett Sara had never thought to see her precious Rev ever again. Yet here he was, come to stay for the holidays in the very home where she was a governess... and bringing up the painful memories of their shared past… (plus d'informations)

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Gift Of The Heart by Miranda Jarrett Rachel Sparhawk would not fail her heritage. But the snows were deep and the nights lonely - until Jamie Ryder arrived, bringing strength and joy into the hidden places of her heart... The warmth of hearth and home had long been denied Jamie Ryder. Now Rachel offered him refuge from the storms outside - and the war within. But he knew his dream of love and family could not withstand the nightmare of his past... The Secrets Of Catie Hazard by Miranda Jarrett Patriot Catie Hazard was a widow and owner of a respectable tavern. Major Anthony Sparhawk was the British officer charged with finding the rebel leaders. Together they must overcome a bitter past and conflicting loyalties to rediscover a lost love. A Gift Most Rare by Miranda Jarrett Sara had never thought to see her precious Rev ever again. Yet here he was, come to stay for the holidays in the very home where she was a governess... and bringing up the painful memories of their shared past

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