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Now Hiring, Apply Yourself

par Harry Dahlstrom

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Updated for 2017-16. Losing your job hits hard, emotionally and financially. Surviving a Layoff can help you land on your feet. In 48 easy-to-read pages, it speaks directly and compassionately to you. It gives practical, tested advice on how to cope with the emotional rollercoaster you are feeling, how to ease your money worries, and how to rebuild your career when no one seems to be hiring. Content includes: Why the layoff is not your fault. How to tell your family taht you have lost your job. How to cope with the emotional stress of losing your job. How to get your bills reduced until you get on your feet again. Which bills to pay when money gets terribly tight. The secret to getting a new job when no one seems to be hiring. Just fill in the blanks to write a powerful resume. Seven proven ways to get a job interview. 50 interview questions to expect--with answers. How to ace an interview and win a job offer. Four things you need to do after each interview. Surviving A Layoff is used by thousands of outplacement professionals nationwide. 6,000,000 copies sold. It is also printed under private cover for state and local career centers."… (plus d'informations)

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Updated for 2017-16. Losing your job hits hard, emotionally and financially. Surviving a Layoff can help you land on your feet. In 48 easy-to-read pages, it speaks directly and compassionately to you. It gives practical, tested advice on how to cope with the emotional rollercoaster you are feeling, how to ease your money worries, and how to rebuild your career when no one seems to be hiring. Content includes: Why the layoff is not your fault. How to tell your family taht you have lost your job. How to cope with the emotional stress of losing your job. How to get your bills reduced until you get on your feet again. Which bills to pay when money gets terribly tight. The secret to getting a new job when no one seems to be hiring. Just fill in the blanks to write a powerful resume. Seven proven ways to get a job interview. 50 interview questions to expect--with answers. How to ace an interview and win a job offer. Four things you need to do after each interview. Surviving A Layoff is used by thousands of outplacement professionals nationwide. 6,000,000 copies sold. It is also printed under private cover for state and local career centers."

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