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Writing with a word processor par William…

Writing with a word processor (original 1953; édition 1983)

par William Knowlton Zinsser

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In this helpful and entertaining book the author of the classic On Writing Well explains that he has always had a love of paper and a fear of mechanical objects. He describes how he confronted his hang-ups, got a word processor, taught himself to use it and gradually overcame his sense of inferiority to the machine. He explains how the word processor--by enabling him to revise his work instantly on a screen--has changed his lifelong methods of writing, rewriting and editing. But William Zinsser's book isn't only for writers. It's for all the people who have to do any kind of writing--memos, letters, reports, directives--as part of their working day. It explains how the word processor will save time and money in an office or a corporation and predicts that it will soon be our primary writing tool. On one level Writing with a Word Processor is a manual for beginners that describes clearly and simply how to use the new technology. But it is also one writer's story. William Zinsser takes the reader along on a highly personal journey, writing with warmth and humor about his anxieties and fears, his setbacks and triumphs. His book is both an informal guide and an encouraging companion.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Writing with a word processor
Auteurs:William Knowlton Zinsser
Info:New York : Harper & Row, c1983.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Writing With a Word Processor par William Knowlton Zinsser (1953)


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Obviously dated, but the sections about writing still were valid and his writing was interesting.
I think most people now would be surprised at how simple the early word processors were, how many steps the user had to take to accomplish simple document creation.
While I always thought I had gotten in at the beginning of computing, I was glad to see things were not as rudimentary by the time I started going electronic. At least the programs could reside on the hard drive even though we still had to use multiple diskettes for our output. ( )
  juniperSun | Dec 16, 2019 |
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In this helpful and entertaining book the author of the classic On Writing Well explains that he has always had a love of paper and a fear of mechanical objects. He describes how he confronted his hang-ups, got a word processor, taught himself to use it and gradually overcame his sense of inferiority to the machine. He explains how the word processor--by enabling him to revise his work instantly on a screen--has changed his lifelong methods of writing, rewriting and editing. But William Zinsser's book isn't only for writers. It's for all the people who have to do any kind of writing--memos, letters, reports, directives--as part of their working day. It explains how the word processor will save time and money in an office or a corporation and predicts that it will soon be our primary writing tool. On one level Writing with a Word Processor is a manual for beginners that describes clearly and simply how to use the new technology. But it is also one writer's story. William Zinsser takes the reader along on a highly personal journey, writing with warmth and humor about his anxieties and fears, his setbacks and triumphs. His book is both an informal guide and an encouraging companion.

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