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Those who've come across the seas [text] : detention of unauthorised arrivals

par Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

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Contents:. Executive summary. Recommendations. Part 1 Background to the Inquiry. Chapter 1 - Background to the Inquiry. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Complaints to the Commission. 1.3 Conduct of the Inquiry. Chapter 2 - Unauthorised arrivals. 2.1 Migration legislation. 2.2 Immigration detention. 2.3 Refugee status determination. 2.4 Boat people granted entry into Australia since 1989. Part 2 Human Rights Law. Chapter 3 - Detention and human rights law. 3.1 Overview of human rights principles. 3.2 Human rights and non-citizens. 3.3 Rights relevant to detention of unauthorised arrivals. 3.4 Rights relevant to the conditions of detention. Part 3 Conditions of Detention. Chapter 4 - Evaluation of conditions of detention. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Structure of analysis. 4.3 Description of centres. 4.4 Departmental duty of care and the contracting of services. Chapter 5 - Physical conditions of detention. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Human rights law relevant to physical conditions. 5.3 Australian correctional institutions. 5.4 Villawood. 5.5 Perth. 5.6 Port Hedland. Chapter 6 - Security. 6.1 Authority. 6.2 Physical layout. 6.3 Surveillance. 6.4 The use of force. 6.5 Hunger strikes. 6.6 Observation rooms. 6.7 Transfer from Stage Two to Stage One at Villawood. 6.8 Transfer to prison. 6.9 Human rights law relevant to security in detention. 6.10 Findings and recommendations on security measures in detention. Chapter 7 - Segregation. 7.1 Conditions of segregation. 7.2 Complaints. 7.3 Conclusions. 7.4 Human rights law relevant to segregation. 7.5 Findings and recommendations on segregation within detention. Part 4 Services. Chapter 8 - Evaluation of services to detainees. 8.1 Overview. 8.2 Finding and recommendation on the provision of information. Chapter 9 - Interpretation and translation. 9.1 Access to the Translating and Interpreting Service. 9.2 On-site interpreters. 9.3 Translation services. 9.4 Human rights law relevant to interpretation and translation services. 9.5 Findings and recommendations on interpretation and translation services. Chapter 10 - Medical services. 10.1 Medical services at the Perth centre. 10.2 Medical services at Villawood. 10.3 Medical services at Port Hedland. 10.4 Adequacy of medical care. 10.5 Access to medical services. 10.6 Use of medical opinion. 10.7 Human rights law relevant to medical services. 10.8 Findings and recommendations on medical services. Chapter 11 - Education and training. 11.1 Elementary education for children. 11.2 English tuition for adults. 11.3 Vocational training. 11.4 Additional educational resources. 11.5 Human rights law relevant to education and training. 11.6 Findings and recommendations on education and training. Chapter 12 - Recreation. 12.1 Recreation at Villawood. 12.2 Recreation at the Perth centre. 12.3 Recreation at the Port Hedland centre. 12.4 Human rights law relevant to recreation. 12.5 Findings and recommendations on recreation. Chapter 13 - Religion and culture. 13.1 Provision for religious expression Management of religious difference. 13.3 Human rights law relevant to religion and culture. 13.4 Findings and recommendations on religion and culture. Chapter 14 - Provision of legal assistance. 14.1 Interpretations of the Migration Act. 14.2 Complaints. 14.3 Access to lawyers at Port Hedland. 14.4 Quality of assistance. 14.5 Human rights law relevant to the provision of legal assistance. 14.6 Findings and recommendations on the provision of legal assistance. Part 5 Accountability. Chapter 15 - The human cost of detention. 15.1 Case study. 15.2 Prolonged detention. 15.3 Conclusions and relevant human rights law. 15.4 Findings and recommendations on accountability. Part 6 An Alternative Model. Chapter 16 - Alternatives to detention. 16.1 Transfer of responsibility for refugee determination. 16.2 Alternative detention model. Appendix 1. Boat arrivals since 1989 - Alphabetical. Appendix 2. Boat arrivals since 1989 - Chronological. Appendix 3. Participants in the Inquiry.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parismapng, AIA-VIC, Jim2222, AIA-NSW

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Contents:. Executive summary. Recommendations. Part 1 Background to the Inquiry. Chapter 1 - Background to the Inquiry. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Complaints to the Commission. 1.3 Conduct of the Inquiry. Chapter 2 - Unauthorised arrivals. 2.1 Migration legislation. 2.2 Immigration detention. 2.3 Refugee status determination. 2.4 Boat people granted entry into Australia since 1989. Part 2 Human Rights Law. Chapter 3 - Detention and human rights law. 3.1 Overview of human rights principles. 3.2 Human rights and non-citizens. 3.3 Rights relevant to detention of unauthorised arrivals. 3.4 Rights relevant to the conditions of detention. Part 3 Conditions of Detention. Chapter 4 - Evaluation of conditions of detention. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Structure of analysis. 4.3 Description of centres. 4.4 Departmental duty of care and the contracting of services. Chapter 5 - Physical conditions of detention. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Human rights law relevant to physical conditions. 5.3 Australian correctional institutions. 5.4 Villawood. 5.5 Perth. 5.6 Port Hedland. Chapter 6 - Security. 6.1 Authority. 6.2 Physical layout. 6.3 Surveillance. 6.4 The use of force. 6.5 Hunger strikes. 6.6 Observation rooms. 6.7 Transfer from Stage Two to Stage One at Villawood. 6.8 Transfer to prison. 6.9 Human rights law relevant to security in detention. 6.10 Findings and recommendations on security measures in detention. Chapter 7 - Segregation. 7.1 Conditions of segregation. 7.2 Complaints. 7.3 Conclusions. 7.4 Human rights law relevant to segregation. 7.5 Findings and recommendations on segregation within detention. Part 4 Services. Chapter 8 - Evaluation of services to detainees. 8.1 Overview. 8.2 Finding and recommendation on the provision of information. Chapter 9 - Interpretation and translation. 9.1 Access to the Translating and Interpreting Service. 9.2 On-site interpreters. 9.3 Translation services. 9.4 Human rights law relevant to interpretation and translation services. 9.5 Findings and recommendations on interpretation and translation services. Chapter 10 - Medical services. 10.1 Medical services at the Perth centre. 10.2 Medical services at Villawood. 10.3 Medical services at Port Hedland. 10.4 Adequacy of medical care. 10.5 Access to medical services. 10.6 Use of medical opinion. 10.7 Human rights law relevant to medical services. 10.8 Findings and recommendations on medical services. Chapter 11 - Education and training. 11.1 Elementary education for children. 11.2 English tuition for adults. 11.3 Vocational training. 11.4 Additional educational resources. 11.5 Human rights law relevant to education and training. 11.6 Findings and recommendations on education and training. Chapter 12 - Recreation. 12.1 Recreation at Villawood. 12.2 Recreation at the Perth centre. 12.3 Recreation at the Port Hedland centre. 12.4 Human rights law relevant to recreation. 12.5 Findings and recommendations on recreation. Chapter 13 - Religion and culture. 13.1 Provision for religious expression Management of religious difference. 13.3 Human rights law relevant to religion and culture. 13.4 Findings and recommendations on religion and culture. Chapter 14 - Provision of legal assistance. 14.1 Interpretations of the Migration Act. 14.2 Complaints. 14.3 Access to lawyers at Port Hedland. 14.4 Quality of assistance. 14.5 Human rights law relevant to the provision of legal assistance. 14.6 Findings and recommendations on the provision of legal assistance. Part 5 Accountability. Chapter 15 - The human cost of detention. 15.1 Case study. 15.2 Prolonged detention. 15.3 Conclusions and relevant human rights law. 15.4 Findings and recommendations on accountability. Part 6 An Alternative Model. Chapter 16 - Alternatives to detention. 16.1 Transfer of responsibility for refugee determination. 16.2 Alternative detention model. Appendix 1. Boat arrivals since 1989 - Alphabetical. Appendix 2. Boat arrivals since 1989 - Chronological. Appendix 3. Participants in the Inquiry.

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